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  1. L

    Haitians install earthen dam for canal in Dajabon

    For those who might not have seen the actual treaty.
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    Presidential candidate debate is 24 April 2024

    Like the Pueblo Viejo goldmine to name a few
  3. L

    Presidential candidate debate is 24 April 2024

    I wonder if this one will be an actual debate between the candidates and not just a Q&A-style forum with the moderator like last time
  4. L

    Haiti Seeks Reparations From France.

    This New York Times article does a good job of showing the economic damage the colonizing powers have done to Haiti. I'm not mad at them seeking some sort of reparations.
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    Airfare costs main barrier to DR Tourism

    It mainly has to do with the current open skies agreement with the US. Espaillat in Congress is looking to speed it up.