Dominican Republic Motorcycle Adventure


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.


Las Galeras


Fresh crab


Photo by: Hipster

We enjoy a good lunch on the beach. I purchase an amber necklace for cavegirl. Some of the best amber in the world is mined here in the DR. It is getting late. We blast off back through the village Samana and then toward another beach village, Las Terrenas. Las Terrenas is along the north coast of the Samana Peninsula.


Las Terrenas


Hipster and I are staying at the same place cavegirl and I stayed at a few weeks ago, but in a much larger a nicer room, it has a kitchen so we can make our own DR grown coffee in the morning, Oh Yeah. We have been riding super hard for several days now and are in need of a little R&R, Las Terrenas should work excellent for that.

While I am on the phone with cavegirl, I tell her about the sweet room we have. I soon get informed that we must return to Las Terrenas and get one of these sweet rooms with a kitchen. I guess I can live with that?


Still more!

ben jammin

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2007
I agree, fantastic thread!

(But I have to say that Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was without question the WORST book I have ever read. By far, nothing even in second place. Every time I see the word "Chautauqua" I want to hurl...I found it to be an enormous Time Vampire. It's one of those books that communal hippies have to read and feign intellectual wonder at it's brilliance in order to be "cool" and get laid by a hairy chick in overalls and Birkenstocks. I read somewhere that Zen is in the Top 5 of books never finished...for good reason. I slugged through all 380 pages *assuming* that the next page will bring it all together...only to think that the REAL insight will be on the ~next~ nauseum. Zen proves that an oft-institutionalized bi-polar paranoid schizophrenic can write a book that bazillions buy and few finish reading. Zen is The Emperors New Clothes of Philosophy...)

You're safe CB. No one would accuse you of being a hippy even if you had enjoyed the :)
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New member
Nov 21, 2012
What a beautiful story with such beautiful photos to go along with it! Sounds like all your trials along the way were filled with a positive energy and outcome. Thank you so much for sharing this! Gives me something to look forward to next year. (Although I'd probably cry after the first thing went wrong with my bike!)
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Sep 6, 2011
Brother...what kind of camera are you using? and are you touching up the photos in Photoshop or using another program in order to accentuate the colors?

The photography is nothing short of amazing!!

I've been to all of these places, but i'm going to add a video of Playa Fronton on my "Motorcycling around DR" link so that you get inspired to go there on your next trip here. You'll love it, but your bikes will only make so far and then you will need to start trekking the path to the beach.

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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
You're safe CB. No one would accuse you of being a hippy even if you had enjoyed the :)

Yeah, I did like the book, and frank12, I took it as a huge complement. But cobraboy that is too funny, love how you say it and I agree with you on most of the philosophy crap also, I thought the author was just ?trying? to sound smart while sounding like a dufeis. OK, now I gotta tell ya the story (because I love telling it):

I did attempt to read ?Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? back when I was 12 or 13, my mother picked it up at a rummage sale because she knew I liked motorcycles having 4 older brothers with bikes. All I consciously remember from the book is the tip of using beer can aluminum for shim material and to be aware of when the rain first starts falling, and the slippery painted stripping on the road, all worthy things to know as a biker. Anyway, at age 16 I found myself riding solo with a backpack, tent and sleeping bag strapped to my sissy-bar heading cross-country to Yellowstone Park and Montana. I rode the back roads, primitive camped, bought beer and kissed a topless girl in my tent, like a hippie. Now, after I attempted to read the book again, trying not to hurl, I did notice that the author does firmly believe in primitive camping, riding on back roads, he straps a backpack, tent and sleeping bags to his sissy bar, he even uses a Sterno to cook with. I used a Sterno to cook with on that ride.

I must have gotten more from the book then the meaningless hurl I didn?t understand. Heidi often tells me I go life looking through rose colored glasses, I seems by this I always must have.

You can walk through a beautiful cow pasture and point out nothing but cow pies or you can point out the beauty wildflowers growing among them.

Geese, that?s almost Zen like, ha ha!

Unbelievable....this is the best post I have EVER had the pleasure to read here on DR1....thanks a million, you are one of the few people that make this country look good! I am proud to live here, and after reading all of your posts maybe more people will feel the same way. Absolutely fascinating....I agree with others, you should win an award for the best posts of the year. Thank you, thank you and in case I haven't mentioned it...THANK YOU!!

Thank you tee, I just say it like I see it. You are so kind.

What a beautiful story with such beautiful photos to go along with it! Sounds like all your trials along the way were filled with a positive energy and outcome. Thank you so much for sharing this! Gives me something to look forward to next year. (Although I'd probably cry after the first thing went wrong with my bike!)

Thank you cnhrvt. A little crying is OK because it?s the ?overcoming? where the rewards are. Lets hear about your ride next year.


New member
Nov 21, 2012
Thank you cnhrvt. A little crying is OK because it?s the ?overcoming? where the rewards are. Lets hear about your ride next year.

Im a girl, so likely no riding for me without a man there to accompany me. And I'll just pass off the mechanics to him! :cheeky: I think I'll stick with a horse, at least with my veterinary work experience, I would know how to fix a broken one of those.

And I agree with a previous poster that these pics look like you edited them, or had a pro camera. Very good stuff and thank you again for sharing.
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Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
Brother...what kind of camera are you using? and are you touching up the photos in Photoshop or using another program in order to accentuate the colors?

The photography is nothing short of amazing!!

I've been to all of these places, but i'm going to add a video of Playa Fronton on my "Motorcycling around DR" link so that you get inspired to go there on your next trip here. You'll love it, but your bikes will only make so far and then you will need to start trekking the path to the beach.


Thanks man. The camera is a Nikon Coolpix L110, nothing special but it has the large diameter lens that really brings out the colors. And yes, I like to bump up the saturation on the beach shots and others using photo-shop to bring out the sand better against the greens and oranges and everything.

And please show me more places to go to, I know I have only scratched the surface.

This is just a blast everyone. Last night we had our first real snow and cavegirl and I both have the day off. What we do best in such a situation is dream, plan and re-live life in the DR. Thanks again everyone for all the kudos and the fun.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Yeah, I did like the book, and frank12, I took it as a huge complement. But cobraboy that is too funny, love how you say it and I agree with you on most of the philosophy crap also, I thought the author was just ?trying? to sound smart while sounding like a dufeis. OK, now I gotta tell ya the story (because I love telling it):

I did attempt to read ?Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? back when I was 12 or 13, my mother picked it up at a rummage sale because she knew I liked motorcycles having 4 older brothers with bikes. All I consciously remember from the book is the tip of using beer can aluminum for shim material and to be aware of when the rain first starts falling, and the slippery painted stripping on the road, all worthy things to know as a biker. Anyway, at age 16 I found myself riding solo with a backpack, tent and sleeping bag strapped to my sissy-bar heading cross-country to Yellowstone Park and Montana. I rode the back roads, primitive camped, bought beer and kissed a topless girl in my tent, like a hippie. Now, after I attempted to read the book again, trying not to hurl, I did notice that the author does firmly believe in primitive camping, riding on back roads, he straps a backpack, tent and sleeping bags to his sissy bar, he even uses a Sterno to cook with. I used a Sterno to cook with on that ride.
The part of riding with his son and the other couple was OK. I thought it was going to be a father/son bonding thing...but wasn't.

I did like his method of disassembling parts and putting them on a piece of cardboard in order of disassembly. I do that to today. Also his lessons on patience while twisting wrenches. Sage advice as early on, in my teens before I didn't understand machines and engines, I screwed a LOT up by being impatient. Like cross-threading a sparkplug in an aluminum head...ever see a spark plug explode off an engine like shot from a cannon? A cylinder may have 120psi, but it's like 700psi when the fuel explodes...

But the theory of "quality" and "good" page after page after page...I wanted to tear my eyeballs out. It didn't even put me to sleep because I can't sleep when pi$$ed...;)

It funny to bring up Zen in a group of edumacated motorcyclists. Everybody has read it. But no one will say what they *really* think until someone else does...then it's like the floodgates of criticism and pi$$edoffedness open. Seriously, Zen may be in the Top 5 of "Books Started But Never Finished..."


Sep 6, 2011

Ok, i just added the video of the ride to Playa Fronton, and then the trek to the beach--it's in "Motorcycling around the DR." this beach is a must next time your here. and notice the Robinson Crusoe building on the beach...tell Cavegirl to spruce the place up for us and i'll meet you there after the place is fixed up.:)

PS. Maybe we can even get a little wife swapping going make the evening go by faster!

PS2. my girlfriends missing her front teeth...but that only adds to the fun!



Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

Ok, i just added the video of the ride to Playa Fronton, and then the trek to the beach--it's in "Motorcycling around the DR." this beach is a must next time your here. and notice the Robinson Crusoe building on the beach...tell Cavegirl to spruce the place up for us and i'll meet you there after the place is fixed up.:)

PS. Maybe we can even get a little wife swapping going make the evening go by faster!

PS2. my girlfriends missing her front teeth...but that only adds to the fun!


!! :rolling laughing face !!

Super, thanks for posting Plya Fronton. And, its a date! Maybe we can get cobraboy and ----. Oh geese, we are all disturbed


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.
The Conclusion:

MEGA Dominican Republic Motorcycle Adventure

We are riding the bad (meaning good) road over the Samana mountains between Las Terrenas and Sanchez, then along the north coast road toward Cabarete. I tell Hipster that we have one last steep climb but the scenery is super.


I have to take this photo so I can continue giving Hipster grief. Proof: filling with regular gas. I think he is trying to make a point now. ?See, the motor will run on regular? OK Tom ?. ;)



<-- Samana Peninsula ? Mainland Dominican Republic -->



We make it to the bottom of the Samana mountains. Hipster is squirting water from his camelback onto his rear break drum. The steam rolls off. He claims to have no rear breaks.


You guessed it, Empanadas!


I have to wait for them to finish cooking - ideal




Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

Of course, I cannot just ride straight back to Cabarete. I know of a few secluded spots that are good for taking a break. I prefer spots like these any day compared to resting at a gas station or cafe.



Near Nagua


Photo: Gas station in Nagua.

It is easy to feel safe in the Dominican Republic if nothing ever happens to you. But, at every gas station there are armed guards. This guard in the photo is carrying a shotgun. The greeter at our grocery store in Cabarete carries a large caliber pistol in his belt and at closing time, he also has a shotgun in his hands. Every bank in the country has a guard holding a short barrel shotgun. When you are in paradise, it is easy to forget that it can be dangerous and that bad things do happen, just like back home in the USA.

?The MOST dangerous thing of all is when you forget that bad things can happen, anywhere and at any time.? Quote: cavegirl


Another hidden gem of a spot that cavegirl and I discovered on a ride one day.




This woman asks if we want to buy some bananas. I say ?Si, por favor? (Yes, please) We enjoy eating a couple bananas while resting, perfect.


Have a dream, live it. Set a goal, achieve it.

Tommy?s oil injector light is on again. That signals he is at half a tank. He wants to return the bike with a full tank.


I enjoy another chitchat session at a DR motorcycle shop.


We stop at my and cavegirl?s favorite beach. This beach is easy to miss, hidden from the main road.



This is a postcard beach with rarely anyone in sight.


: This photo made it onto a large calendar back home for July :)



One last rest spot before we reach Cabarete. I ask Tommy if I can test out his bike. I cannot believe his rear break is as bad as he says. When he pulled off the rear wheel to fix his flat we noticed that there was plenty of break pad left. I got ?on? the bike then try to skid the rear wheel. I stood on the rear break peddle. It is as if there is no rear break at all. I say ?I guess you were not kidding? He takes my bike for a test spin. Tommy comments how smooth the power band is and how great my dual disk breaks are. We ride on


Almost home


?Welcome to Cabarete?


We pull into the parking lot. Hipster is this glad to have made it back with himself and his bike in one piece.


Cavegirl is anxiously waiting poolside. I am one lucky dude :)

Home Sweet Home?

We hoped you enjoyed it ?MEGA Dominican Republic Motorcycle Adventure?


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Thanks for posting and sharing Frank12 and Cobraboy. Joining cavebiker's enthusiasm with fun, photos and video. I see that you guys have already sparked some interest from readers to... go explore. Perhaps a whole new thinking needs to be done concerning the tourist industry in the D.R.? I've sent links to your threads/blogs to friends and family from California to Thailand. Most impressed they are!

If anything, you guys and your friends HAVE shown a part of the Dominican Republic that few bother to see or didn't know existed. You have proven that those places have their own culture, are friendly and willing to help. You have proven that even in a car, you can get out of the tourist town and just drive. Stop to see, explore and meet people. Find a hotel, a beer and have coffee in the morning.

I hope to meet you all on the trail someday.... just don't spook my horse. LOL

Well done and thanks.
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Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
What a great trek! Thanks for sharing. Continue on with the positive attitude, the great sense of adventure and most of all, the sharing of these unique and life filling stories. Again, thanks for reminding us that the best thing in life is exploring life & enjoying the simple things nature gives us. Bravo!

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New member
Dec 18, 2003
I just finished reading your post and enjoyed your blog. It brought back so many memories of my own DR motorcycle adventure almost 10 years ago. We dirt biked from Luperon to Las Galeras, with a few side trips. One common thread between both our trips was the friendliness of all the people and their desire to help. Many of your pictures were of places we visited on our trip and my heart aches to go back again, and also to go to some of the places you were at that we did not get to see.

It was our best trip to the DR and even though I have been back many times, I miss seeing the things that you can only see by going on a motorcycle through the back county, campos, and trails, often times not knowing where you are or where you will end up, but always being pleasantly surprised and rewarded when you got there.

Thanks for taking the time to post. It sounded like an amazing adventure and was amazing reading.

P.S. I will be in Cabarete in January and February. If you are there, PM me and maybe we can meet and do some ridin'.

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