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  1. D


    The Juan Dolio post remined me of the DR1 member potus? He used to post videos. What has happened to him? He hasn't posted in over a year.
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    Wonderful tribute for Dominican policeman living in USA

    The funeral for Dominican Manuel ( Manny ) Familar was held today in Worcester, Ma. He died last Friday while trying to save 3 young boys who were drowning in a lake in Worcester. A 14 year old boy also drowned. His name is Troy Love. Troy was on vacation from VA. visiting family in Worc. MA...
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    Frankie Fixit

    For those who are interested Frankie has been on a hunger strike since September. He has a Facebook page Hunger strike for Frankie now. A couple of times he posted that he would post a picture of himself showing the starvation of his body. The man is quite delusional.
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    Gain weight in the RD

    I just watched a travel segment on Good Morning American. It said the top vacation destination to travel to to gain weight is the Dominican Republic. I always lost weight when I vacationed/lived in the DR. I danced, walked, did pool aerobics, much more. I also ate more fruit and vegetables. What...
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    How to search for DR1 member?

    I am at a loss as to how to search for a DR1 member by screen name. Can anyone give me simple instructions please?
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    Kudos to the powers that be for taking back the control of the content of DR1. This is a great message board about the Dominican Republic. Lately it had been more of a chat room. Thank you to the owners and moderators.
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    I am still confused about the use of this word. For example in this joke : Acuerdate de la vaina que tu tienes que acordarte. Then someone said the following joke : Este mensaje es igualito a las cosas y vainas de Jose. Vaina does not translate well at all. It translates as pod or sheath...
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    Did anyone see anything in the news about this?

    Did anyone see anything in the news about this? MILLBURY/PUERTO PLATA, D.R. - Karen (Bunnewith) Henault, 55, passed away on October 24, 2013 from injuries sustained in an accident in the Dominican Republic.
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    Canadians released

    Posted on the family's facebook page about 20 minutes ago: after 20 days Nick and Benny have been completely exonerated of all charges in the Dominican Republic and released into the loving arms of their family. There was more posted but I didn't copy want to copy the whole thing. Take a look...
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    Where's Willie?

    I just listened to the local news. It seems the mayor of Lawrence, Ma. has been in the DR for 3 weeks now. The problem is that he forgot to notify anyone that he would be gone that long. He is supposed to notify if he is going to leave the city for more than 3 days so that someone can fill in...
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    Typical High School Graduation dates?

    When do High Schools in the DR typically hold graduation ceremonies? I am particularly interested in the date for the Carol Morgan School. Thanks
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    pop up for video player?

    Why do I keep getting a pop up to download a video player when I am on DR1? The icon stays in the left hand corner of my screen and I can not get rid of it.
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    DR1 jabs

    What we need onDR1 lately is a section for members to throw zingers at each other in private. :speechles
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    Photographer Paul ?

    I tried doing a search for the man who has posted some beautiful pictures of the Dominican Republic. My problem is I can't remember his name. I think it is Paul G--- something. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
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    What does the word Chevi mean when used as a nickname?
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    Age for kids drinking in the DR?

    Is it considered normal for parents to encourage kids to drink at a young age in the DR? I ask the question because a friend of mine posted pictures of his sons birthday party on facebook. The family were all together at a colmado. The father, mother, son and daughter. It was the sons 12th...
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    Posting issues this morning

    Is anyone else having posting issues this morning? I notice my posts are coming up blank. I did see it in some other threads also. I am getting an error message too.
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    Older kids drinking baby bottles

    Has anyone else heard of older kids still drinking baby bottles in the DR? I have learned that it is not unheard of for kids as old as 7 still having a bottle before bed time. They still wear pampers to bed too. Why would this be happening?
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    Barcelo Executives Jailed

    In todays DR1 news there was an article about Barcelo Executives Jailed. Does anyone know the names of the executives?
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    New year attitude on DR1

    I have noticed the posts on DR1 have been more pleasant since the new year. Did everyone make a New Year's resolution to be a nicer person? Whatever the reason is, I enjoy reading DR1 more. I find I do not have to skip over as many threads now. :classic: We shall see what happens as the...