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    Bank Debit Card

    Can I use my bank debit card on a Canadian Bank at Playero?
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    wondering about fees for over staying?

    I saw some time back that the "new" way or maybe it was old and I didn't know, for overstay was to go to the airport before 90 days and renew your visitors card. What I have not seen and perhaps it hasn't happened? is what the costs involved might be. Does anyone know?
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    Tarrif at the airport when visitors leave.

    WAs sent this info on the tarrif at the airport when we leave to go to our respective homes. found it interesting and hope it is something that can be dealt with. Deputy Graciela Ferm?n demands to eliminate illegal departure tax | Nice People Networking What say you?
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    Orange pay as you go

    We have to head back to Canada in 12 days :disappoin and I was hoping to keep my pay as you go phone with Orange topped up while not here. BUT have tried to find how I would do that and so far NO luck. I treid going to and can not find where it can be added to for time. Can...
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    Pets Pussy cat to be exact.

    Hi we are heading back to Cdn in 2 wks on April 23 travelling with West jet. Well there is a snag. Our pussy cat came with us when we arrived Dec. 4 and now that we are heading home. all of a sudden there is an embargo due to heat. My problem is Although we will return to the DR this coming...
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    When first going to the DR. to try and see if living there is for you.. While looking for an apartment (since we will rent for the first 6 months first) Should we be looking into a place that has 24 hr security? (ie a gated community.. or is that just for homes?) We are not much for...
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    paperwork for incoming Canadian?

    Hi must husband and I are "dreaming" about relocating to the Dominican Republic. Many questions but one is.. if we are blessed enough to come and see if we can "fit" into the lifestyle ... it is necessary to have a type of "visitng" whatever? paperwork. that we need to have in our possession...