Search results

  1. S

    Cultural Differences!

    What people forget is that this is a very different culture. They/We come in and try to interpret local behaviours from our set of cultural ideas. This just doesnt work! Here are some basic differences: Many dominican men are polygamous. Some men have 3 or more women with kids who they...
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    Cultural Differences!

    What people forget is that this is a very different culture. They/We come in and try to interpret local behaviours from our set of cultural ideas. This just doesnt work! Here are some basic differences: Many dominican men are polygamous. Some men have 3 or more women with kids who they...
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    Creepy Crawlies

    I recently received the following private message and thought i would go ahead and answer it publicly: <QUOTE> triple wide aluminum sliding glass door - if you leave doors open, are you not inviting tarantulas, centipedes, and snakes in? I've now read there are also black widow spiders there...
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    vanilla plantation

    I would like to visit a vanilla plantation. Does anyone know of one? thanks Stephen
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    I have returned!!

    i am back good to see everyone again!
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    Biogas & fuel grade alchol

    Does anybody in country have experience with either of these two technologies?
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    I got mail!

    I actually got a letter delivered to the house from the United States via the Dominican Postal Service.. US postmark: October 15th.... Todays date: November 20th It was opened and taped closed again by someone but it actually got here.
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    DOP vs USD

    I hear the peso is trading at 28 on the street in the capital. Can anyone confirm this?
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    live from the DR

    Hey folks, I am here in the DR at last after years of planning and waiting. I am still getting used to my new life but I am very happy so far. I spend most of my time getting my farm up and running. Things i miss? hot water and a DSL connection... Things I like? everything else...
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    legal rights to river and streams

    How are water rights handled in the DR? In the theoretical case of a water way passing through a property, does the water belong to the property owner? What about mineral rights? fish or shrimp? Can I sell these rights? can I dam the waterway or divert it to agriculture? Are these...
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    geographically ignorant americans

    The last 3 Americans, all adults, all with college degrees, I spoke to about the Dominican Republic thought it was in the south pacific. Granted the DR isnt exactly a hub of world wide commerce but this is really sad...
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    Definition of "Bottella" (Bottle)

    There is a unit of measure used in the DR called a "Bottella". I might have the spelling wrong. As I know it, it is used as a measure of volume for milk. Does someone have a conversion factor for this in gallons or some other more common unit? thanks...
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    Shipping Household Goods

    I am in the process of shipping my household goods to the DR. I would like to have the benifits of other peoples experience. We are using a door to door shipping company (Pto Plata Embarque) and they expect us to pay the entire bill up front. It seems to me as if they will have no economic...
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    Business Idea

    Armored Car cash pick up/delivery service I have noticed a opportunity for a business in the DR. I personally have no interest in doing this business so I thought I would throw it up here. I have many friends and relatives who operate various cash businesses in the DR (colmodos, tiendas...
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    electric fencing

    Are there suppliers for electric farm fencing in the DR? I have never seen them used in my area....
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    Fences and animal containment

    My neighbor has a flock of about 20 frequently trespassing goats. Is it the responsiblity of the animal owner to keep his animals contained or is it responsibility of the property owner to keep other peoples animals out? In most areas of the US the burden is on the animal owner. What legal...
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    exchange rate

    I have heard the the street exchange rate has shifted drastically today..... can anyone confirm this? If so what is the new rate? thanks
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    What are those green bins in sosua?

    just curious.... Could someone tell me what those large green bins with a tin cover on them are? There seems to be one place on the North side of the Highway with about 100 of them...
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    what are closed voting stations?

    New constitution The 2002 Constitution is now in effect. The constitution now enables the President to be re-elected for a single consecutive period and it eliminates the closed voting stations. All other articles of the 1994 Constitution remain the same. What are closed voteing stations and...
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    an interesting article on Sammy Sosa