Amendment Proposed to Immigration Law


Jul 10, 2004
You know this for a fact. Prove it!
Nah. If you think all those Haitians thrown over the border are processed, I have a bridge in my home state I can sell to you.
Blah, Blah, Blah...Blah, Blah. Are you a gringo from a tourist card country?
I am a gringo from a tourist card country. One with Dominican citizenship.
In my country of origin there are many laws that give advantages to specific groups of people. These laws are wittten that way because it either is in the interest of the state to give these people advantage. Or the individuals who receive the advantage have enough pull in the government to swing things things their way.
Of course this happens everywhere. But we are not talking about laws here, We are talking about regulations with no basis in laws when it comes to overstay fines for gringos from tourist card countries.
In the Dominican
Republic "Gringos from tourist card countries get special treatment". Let me stipulate to that.
So, since they are not part of the Dominican Republic they have absolutely no say in how the law is applied to them. (Checkmate in two more moves). So that means the government of the Dominican Republic is currently giving a group of people an advantage because it is in the interests of the state. (Reference is made to CristoRay's informative post right above this one).
Every country applies and enforces the laws of their country in a way that is advantageous to the state.
I contend there are not enough illegal alien gringos from tourist card countries for the government to care. Same end result so far. A lack of enforcement of the laws.
If you are a Dominican Citizen you have the right to petition your government for redress of your grievances and express your dissatisfaction or satisfaction with the current government at the ballot box. I cannot do any of that. Nor do I have a dog this fight. And all this stuff on DR1 is just intellectual tennis anyway.
I was not asleep in basic civics class. Nor do I choose to ignore the realities that exist in democratic societies of all types.
Your serve Don Q!
I never took a civics class that I recall, but I do wish they would come up with a snowbird visa and enforce the laws as written. I know it is just me. And I also know there is no petition of the government anyone can do that will change this unless and until the government decides to actually enforce the laws for some other reason.


Jul 10, 2004
As should be.
We fly down here to spend money not take jobs from Dominicans for less pay or commit crimes. If your looking for a law and country perhaps Latin America is not for you and you'd be much better off in a country like Singapore or maybe China.
I am just fine here. It has zero to do with my state in the DR.

It is good you have gringo privilege. Enjoy it!


Jul 10, 2004
The circuitous route taken by the group took them through northern Mexico, and on June 13, 1849, Audubon wrote this diary entry:

Cerro Gordo is a miserable den of vagabonds, with nothing to support it but its petty garrison of a hundred and fifty cavalry mounted on mules. We were hooted and shouted at as we passed through, and called "Gringoes," etc., but that did not prevent us from enjoying their delicious spring water; it was cool and delightful. Our men rushed to it, and drank two pint cups full each, hardly breathing between times; it was the first good water we had had since leaving the Mississippi.

WWII? Nope.
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Nah. If you think all those Haitians thrown over the border are processed, I have a bridge in my home state I can sell to you.
I don't think anything. I am asking you to prove your statement. You have declined. Either because you do not have evidence to support your statement or you know your statement was just your opinion in the first place. I am not interested in buying anything you have to sell to me DR1 brother. But I appreciate you pointing out a good deal to me. LOL!
If it is as you say (and I am entertaining your thought as a pure hypothetical), are the "Haitians thrown over the border" being treated according to how the laws are written?
I am a gringo from a tourist card country. One with Dominican citizenship.
Well since you are a citizen of the Dominican Republic shouldn't all your efforts be focused on the officials in the Dominican Government that can make the changes you would like made?
And I am curious, you are still a gringo even though you are a citizen of the Dominican Republic?
Does that make you the Gringo Dominican in your family?
Is that how they lovingly refer to you?
Of course this happens everywhere. But we are not talking about laws here, We are talking about regulations with no basis in laws when it comes to overstay fines for gringos from tourist card countries.
You say there is no basis in the law for the actions you describe. And yet there has not been a legal process initiated to challenge the process. Maybe you should be the one that initiates this process with the Dominican Government. You can show that you are being damaged by the way the current law is being enforced, right?
I contend there are not enough illegal alien gringos from tourist card countries for the government to care. Same end result so far. A lack of enforcement of the laws.
But lack of enforcement, is enforcement. It is a statement by the state that limited resources are going to be spent in other law enforcement efforts. That's a fact Jack!
I never took a civics class that I recall, but I do wish they would come up with a snowbird visa and enforce the laws as written. I know it is just me.
There is saying in my home country: Wish into one hand and put you excerment into the other and see which one fills up first.
And I also know there is no petition of the government anyone can do that will change this unless and until the government decides to actually enforce the laws for some other reason.
Well then, since you do understand the reality of the situation, I suppose DR1 forums remain the only option where you can fully vent your frustrations at the situation. Now, I understand you so much more. LOL!


Jul 10, 2004
I don't think anything. I am asking you to prove your statement. You have declined. Either because you do not have evidence to support your statement or you know your statement was just your opinion in the first place. I am not interested in buying anything you have to sell to me DR1 brother. But I appreciate you pointing out a good deal to me. LOL!
If it is as you say (and I am entertaining your thought as a pure hypothetical), are the "Haitians thrown over the border" being treated according to how the laws are written?

Amusing. I have no reason to prove something that is intuitively obvious. What judge in the DR is going to take the time to review cases of thousands of Haitians deported each month?
Well since you are a citizen of the Dominican Republic shouldn't all your efforts be focused on the officials in the Dominican Government that can make the changes you would like made?
Nope . Such efforts are futile.
And I am curious, you are still a gringo even though you are a citizen of the Dominican Republic?
Yes. It isn't about my passports, 2 of them, but my appearance. Nobody thinks my wife is anything but a gringo as well. At least until she starts to read them the riot act.
Does that make you the Gringo Dominican in your family?
I suppose.
Is that how they lovingly refer to you?
They use my name. They can call me whatever they want, just so long as they don't call me late to dinner.
You say there is no basis in the law for the actions you describe. And yet there has not been a legal process initiated to challenge the process. Maybe you should be the one that initiates this process with the Dominican Government. You can show that you are being damaged by the way the current law is being enforced, right?
Nope. Not worth my time. They simply don't care about the laws, which for you is enforcement.
But lack of enforcement, is enforcement. It is a statement by the state that limited resources are going to be spent in other law enforcement efforts. That's a fact Jack!
Just like baldness is a hair style.
There is saying in my home country: Wish into one hand and put you excerment into the other and see which one fills up first.
I have no expectations for anything to change after I realized the latest government lied about enforcing the laws. They started by pulling the exit fine from the Migracion website, but then put them back up in another place. It is what it is.
Well then, since you do understand the reality of the situation, I suppose DR1 forums remain the only option where you can fully vent your frustrations at the situation. Now, I understand you so much more. LOL!
Not at all. Facebook has far more going on than this forum/

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Not at all. Facebook has far more going on than this forum/
Well this is certainly not 2005. Facebook, icymi, is, today, a marketing platform designed to funnel leads to businesses that are targeting some of the global lowest common denominator of consumers for products and services. That's how they make money. It is far from any source of valuable/helpful life information.

That said, DR1 provides valuable insight (97% of the time) to folks interested in vacationing or living here. Sure there's humor and sarcasm or bickering, but it is a very useful tool for those that fit the need segment.


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Well this is certainly not 2005. Facebook, icymi, is, today, a marketing platform designed to funnel leads to businesses that are targeting some of the global lowest common denominator of consumers for products and services. That's how they make money. It is far from any source of valuable/helpful life information.

That said, DR1 provides valuable insight (97% of the time) to folks interested in vacationing or living here. Sure there's humor and sarcasm or bickering, but it is a very useful tool for those that fit the need segment.

Windy aka @windeguy is the energizer bunny of all things immigration of DR. He just keeps going and going and going and...



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Amusing. I have no reason to prove something that is intuitively obvious. What judge in the DR is going to take the time to review cases of thousands of Haitians deported each month?
Well you stated something as a fact.
I asked you to present evidence that what you said is indeed a fact.
You have refused to answer.
You must be amusing yourself by being obtuse.
Because I would think you as a "Gringo from a tourist card country with Dominican Citizenship" that could give me insight into the deportation process that you speak of with authority.
Or are you stating that Haitians are not receiving any due process in your country whatsoever?
And in that case is the law being followed?
Or are you only an expert in the law as it applies to tourist card countries?

The rest of your post does not deserve a response. So you can have the last word on those issues.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I am just fine here. It has zero to do with my state in the DR.

It is good you have gringo privilege. Enjoy it!
Thank you.
I enjoy having gringo privilege and I will continue enjoying my gringo privilege so long as I choose to here. To anyone who may have a problem with me enjoying my gringo privilige (laughing in your face)... tough sh*t.


Jul 7, 2016
I understand that.. What I meant is you like the fact the government allows gringos from tourist card countries a privilege to stay as long as they want illegally.
Just pay the Dominicans the lucrative overstay fee every time! Win-win !


Mar 13, 2017
In your world, are you choosing to not pay attention to the fact that the word gringo originated well before WWII?
yes that's what I am choosing..... are you choosing to believe everything written on the internet?


Jul 10, 2004
Director of Migration: "El Hoyo de Friusa is the most dangerous corner that exists in the country" … en-el-pais

The head of the General Directorate of Migration (DGMI), Enrique García, said that the town of " El Hoyo de Friusa " in Bávaro (eastern Dominican Republic), is "the most dangerous corner that exists in the country."( “la esquina más peligrosa que existe en el país”.)

According to the official, this place represents an alert for the Dominican State because "it is taken over by Haitian nationals ."

By publicly implying that the agency he directs is aware of what is happening there , García was questioned by the panelists of the radio program "La Option de la Mañana" about why Migration does not intervene in the area.

"We intervened El Hoyo de Friusa with more than 150 soldiers, that is the most dangerous place that exists for State intelligence," he said. “ Neither the Police nor Immigration can enter there , a contingent has to enter,” added the official.

Likewise, he described the situation as "a major problem" and announced that in the next few days the town will intervene again in order to send those who reside in this space under illegal conditions to the neighboring country.

“ Little Haiti ”, as “El Hoyo de Friusa” is also known, is a community located in the municipality of Bávaro, province of La Altagracia. Hundreds of undocumented Haitians live there.

For several years, Dominicans residing in the communities near this town have denounced that acts of crime, slums, prostitution, human trafficking and even the sale and consumption of drugs are perpetuated there without any authority "doing anything" about it. .


Migration intervenes several sectors in Punta Cana and detains 325 undocumented Haitians … na/1864156

Some 325 undocumented Haitians were arrested through operations by the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) in collaboration with members of the Army, the Navy and the National Police in the area of Bávaro, Punta Cana .

The sectors intervened in that town by the authorities were Cabeza de Toro, Hoyo de Friusa, Alto de Friusa, El Ejecutivo, Verón, Mata Mosquito, Villa Plywood, Kosovo, Villa Europa, Bello Amanecer and La Gallera, La Altagracia province. with the objective of identifying undocumented foreigners and submitting them under the current immigration laws of the Dominican Republic.

I am sure everyone of them will see a judge before they are tossed over the border😅