Dominicans Losing Their Beaches

Jan 3, 2003
Once the world economy craters and collapses under the weight of all the accumulated debt, the poor Dominicans will not only reclaim their beaches, they'll retake the land and expropriate the wealthy ex-pats and Dominicans alike. That's why we have pulled back and await from afar as D-day approaches the world.

el forastero

Oct 25, 2009
Good start on your documentary. It was one sided, and to be effective, you should balance it out.

1. On one hand, the Britos say they gave land to Eladia Velez, (who later sold it). Then Do?a Ana Brito says the sale was never properly registered with paperwork, and that was the customary practice at that time - is she now suggesting that they deserve compensation because the papers were still in their name? I am not suggesting that this justifies the later buyer apparently also grabbing other nearby lands which they owned. How about perspective from either Wayne Fuller (or his family) or the Bayahibe hotel companies?

2. Graciano Vinicio Martinez claims that CR threw them off their land and destroyed their buildings after they had worked it for 30 years. Did he actually own this land, or did he just show up one day, start working it, and then claim ownership because he had worked it for a period of time? Squatting on land which belonged to either the government or someone else is still theft.

3. Using footage of the police evicting the folks in Dajab?n is not relevant to your topic, and is inflammatory. What's it got to do with Dominican beaches? A better illustration of tactics used on dominicanos at the beaches would be to film some locals getting turned back at a beach ON THE BEACH in Punta Cana or Bayahibe. Of course, someone would probably be turned back at a front gate of a resort - do they actually expect the public to be able to waltz on through a resort for which their guests are paying for, on their way to a beach owned by all?

In other Caribbean countries, there are both strong property laws and public beach laws. Someone buying beachfront in order to build must also by law provide public right of ways for the public to pass through to get to the beaches. Decisions on property rights are NEVER left up to the whims or greed of their Tourism Department - it's a land issue, not a tourism issue.

Not sure about your comment on tip-free AI's though. As well as getting hit with the government's 10% tip tacked onto the cost of my only AI stay, I tipped the maid every day I was there. The buffets were self-serve, and I tipped the waiters in the sit-down restaurants. Am I an exception?

Maybe the AIs aren't passing along the tips to staff? The sword cuts both ways - workers can force the government to add a tax so they get tips, but then still expect tipping on top of it "because the tourists appear rich and we're poor"? This is the same attitude with gringo pricing outside of the AIs which convince tourists not to leave the AI in order to avoid the locals, isn't it?


New member
Sep 5, 2004
I hope the government sell all the beaches to pay debt. Dominicans don't care anyway. As a matter of fact I'm going to buy me two one with a T and one with a live happy ever after.


Jun 30, 2011
Why Americans leave their country for a vacation is beyond me. America is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The Dominican Repuclic is godd for one thing...P888y!.. Why come to get caught up in the mess. Let the Dominican have the beaches. Take a slow walk on the Malecon in Puerto Plata from the Beach across from Lomar Hotel east to the end of the Malecon. The beaches are beautiful yet filthy. If those beaches are a statement of Dominican pride...well go take a look. Day walker is right. Go to Dr., keep a low profile, have sex with the pretty girls who have children with Dominican men who have abandoned them, then leave. Why fight or fight for Dominicans. Pretty soon they'll be begging someone to buy a beach in their country. With corruption so rampant, p888y is about the extend of my investment and I certainly won't chance a Public Dominican beach to get it on.