Eager to Share Insights on Dominican Republic Real Estate!

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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
If you ever live and work off island, your illusions will be quickly shattered.
It is a very competitive world, no-one has things handed to them, unless maybe born into wealth or royal families.

People and country have to compete in the world.
For those reasons I work and invest on the outside, where I do substantially better than I would in the DR.
In addition to this I'm dealing with laws and regulations I can depend on.

Yet I do have real estate properties in the DR, but not in the gringo tourist dream market.
But without family here, I would not invest in the DR.
They choose not to live on the outside.

I've seen many Dominicans In EU, US and CAN who can't hack the hard work, long hours, professional qualifications and relentless discipline to make it.
Not to mention punctuality.
They saved some money and returned to the DR, easy way out.

Many people who you communicate with on here on dr1 , are well educated foreigners with world experience.
However many of those also have DR experience, live here with families, work here, own businesses and real estate.
Their opinions are based on years of DR experience and foreign experience.

Far different from people with Caribbean Punta Cana real estate dreams, who dream of escaping the cold and hoping for a simpler uncomplicated life.

If the intent is to generate P.C. real estate business here, it's a fail.
Few knowledgeable people would base important foreign real estate investing on some website info and comments.
Far better to have a business plan and to know on ground facts, which are obtained in other fashions.

Some lose money and learn the hard way.

I wish you success, as you seem to be hard working and serious in your business endeavour.
But make sure you know and understand your foreign clientele, to be successful in sales.
XQT setting the record straight, once again!

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Maybe I would like to hear about real estate in Punta Cana and disappointed it doesn’t seem to be possible.
Send the girl a PM for God's sake. If you're serious about RE. I'm sure you can exchange contacts, meet up and have a meaningful business interaction instead of pandering to a blog user!


Jun 10, 2008
Send the girl a PM for God's sake. If you're serious about RE. I'm sure you can exchange contacts, meet up and have a meaningful business interaction instead of pandering to a blog user!
I thought the moderator’s decided what was off topic.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
I thought the moderator’s decided what was off topic.
John, I'm not saying you're off topic mi pana. I'm saying you keep complaining how you want to have a serious RE conversation. So, PM Punta Cana Pammy and have one. Otherwise I question your motives. I mean, that's what she's on here for: generate interest and then take it offline to discuss concrete opportunities. You're a big boy now you should know how business networking works


Jun 10, 2008
John, I'm not saying you're off topic mi pana. I'm saying you keep complaining how you want to have a serious RE conversation. So, PM Punta Cana Pammy and have one. Otherwise I question your motives. I mean, that's what she's on here for: generate interest and then take it offline to discuss concrete opportunities. You're a big boy now you should know how business networking works
I wasn’t doing business networking. I am interested in hearing about the condo market in the tourust areas and thought others might be. I own a condo in the DR myself. So that was part of my motivation. And maybe a certain sympathy for what she is trying to do. I don’t work directly with real estate anymore. I still have a company in the DR and my partner uses it to work with real estate in and around Santo Domingo. But more with land and commercial space. What are these “dirty” motives you are referring too ? And why do you spend all your day chasing people around the forum trolling them. Get a life a hijo.


Jun 10, 2008
From what I see XQT is the go-to for this on DR1, not Palm Beach Pam.
XQT and many others on the forum. Many have bought real estate here or considering it. Many are renting and like to know about the rental market and maybe for investment.


Jun 10, 2008
Hijo you could just decide not to follow this thread if it doesn’t interest you. Why post on a topic you aren’t interested in. You can surely find some other threads that is more directed towards your interests. I know you will see this post because I think you must read every single one.
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