Need something to do in Jarabacoa!


New member
Dec 13, 2010
Florida, United States
The problems were minor, I just couldn't do much about them while sitting in a hotel room so now I know to plan a little better for my next trip. As far as the language issue, that will just take practice and time; I can read, write and speak Spanish decently enough to hold a basic convo, I'm just not used to the way they speak(different from how the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans speak here) so I have trouble understanding sometimes. The "difficulties" were nowhere near enough to make me change my mind... but thanks for the concern...besides, I will have an exit plan if the crap really hits the fan :)


May 12, 2002
The problems were minor, I just couldn't do much about them while sitting in a hotel room so now I know to plan a little better for my next trip. As far as the language issue, that will just take practice and time; I can read, write and speak Spanish decently enough to hold a basic convo, I'm just not used to the way they speak(different from how the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans speak here) so I have trouble understanding sometimes. The "difficulties" were nowhere near enough to make me change my mind... but thanks for the concern...besides, I will have an exit plan if the crap really hits the fan :)

You just need not to be afraid to tell them to speak slower and that you are having problem understanding.

Jarabacoa is very beautiful though.

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New member
Feb 22, 2011
Hey girl, I'm from Wisconsin..... And I've been researching, reading and slowly asking questions here, trying to prepare for my first trip there to check out relocating there as well. I've been mostly reading, I've asked ?'s and felt like they were stupid after some responses came in. So I've been reading alot of these threads. Some good stuff and some well you judge for yourself... some of these folks are extremly interesting and I'm sure most have tons of good experiences and advice to share. Good Luck in your adventures and relocating... I'll stay tuned to see how things go for you:) *Right dab in the middle of Milwaukee and Madison*

Jennifer Ott

New member
Aug 16, 2011
Hey- I went to Punta Cana 2 months ago, if you like white water rafting I heard it was in that area along with waterfalls. It was suppose to be super cold in that area so I bailed. Also you are not fart from the beach if you like a long car ride. The buses looked a but scary but there is public transportation to get you there... you have gps then you have the internet... Explore you are there make the best of it!