Pride, Prejudice, and the Pandemic


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014

Pride, Prejudice, and the Pandemic
Posted on March 27, 2020by meemselle

I do freely admit that I am guilty of many sins. Sloth, gluttony, lust: we are good friends.

Pride and prejudice are not among my sins.

So, vis-à-vis my last Few Words, a few of you, my Gentle Readers, have inquired—and rightly so— as to whether or not I still think that COVID-19 is “schtoopid.”

I most assuredly do not.

At the beginning, I underestimated the magnitude of the virus. I am not alone in that. The purpose of this blog is not to forge public policy, nor to advance a particular agenda. It is to amuse. I speak from my own ideals and my own particular (and peculiar) experience. And one of the best things about having a mind is the ability to change it.

So yes: I was wrong.

There you have it. I WAS WRONG. I admit my schtoopid error, and if Jews had confession, I would confess it. Along with sloth, gluttony, and lust. I guess I’ll have to wait till next Yom Kippur to include it in my Vidui, and I fully expect to be able to do so. (Aha: now accusations of hubris???)

As my mother, Regina L., OBM, always said, you can’t really claim humility as a virtue, because once you say you have it, you know you’ve lost it. But I humbly submit that I was wrong.

Following some (perhaps specious) internet threats, I decided to vacate the Mango Penthouse and to shelter-in-place with a dear friend, because quite frankly, I was going barking mad alone.

I am so incredibly proud of my adopted country for its swift and responsible response to the pandemic. Yes, the curfew, especially the expanded one in force as of today, is not fun. It is at worst, an inconvenience for me, but it is so much worse for all the concho drivers, colmado owners, restaurants, salons, and yes, the Pavement Princesses of Sosua. The Dominican government’s response to extend social services for the most needy, is truly magnificent. In my opinion.

At this writing, we have 499 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus, with 20 deaths. The DR is a 2.5 world country, with a mostly under-educated population of 10 million, many without access to First World hygiene and sanitation.

Please also keep in mind that I am writing this without any Beethoven.

So go ahead: accuse me of underestimating. Accuse me of “schtoopid.” But don’t accuse me of pride or prejudice.
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