What does it mean to be WHITE to a WHITE Dominican?

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Jan 3, 2003
The social conditioning thread truly opened my mind and got me to thinking on the question I placed in my title.

What does it mean to be WHITE to a WHITE Dominican?
Does it mean anything to be WHITE to a WHITE Dominican?

Of course, this begs the question- What is WHITE in the DR? I feel that Pichardo and the pictures he posted of his family in another thread title Dominican Beauty qualify as WHITE in my eyes. Pictures posted in the Social Conditioning thread have shown WHITE Dominicans. I shall qualify it as those who more or less would be mistaken for Spaniards were they in Spain.

If few answers are received on this topic, I will be convinced it means nothing and the remaining WHITE population will be folded into the MIXED populace rather quickly. It could very well be that the remaining WHITES care nothing on this. I am very curious to read the responses if there are any.
Jan 3, 2003
Some more information on what I am seeing-

Are Dominicans racist? NO, the mixed population is proof. How can you have racism with a mixed population? If the White Dominicans were racist, they would have left the DR a long time ago. Some have. Those with means would have left and those without would have thrown themselves to the sea in boats if they were virulent racists. Some have and I know them from both sides.

Of the few remaining whites, how many do you see with a mixed partner or a black one? When I lived there, I saw plenty.

I was wandering around Boca Chica one day in the barrios, the poorest sections, and I knew personally one pure white Cibaena married to a mixed Dominican. I know them both very well. She would be mistaken for a white Spaniard. Their child is the typical mixed child. That ends the pure white bloodline right there.

Her brother, another pure white Spaniard looking Dominican married to a mixed Dominican female. They have two children. Again, they came out looking mixed. That ends the pure white bloodline right there.

I met another one, a colmado owner from El Cibao, he looked like a pure white European hooked up with a mixed girl with straight hair. Their child came out mixed but with "pelo bueno".

Did these pure white Dominicans of Spanish ancestry care at all about the White European traits being lost at all? No way, Jose. They never gave it a fleeting thought. Being white to them meant absolutely nothing.

The point is that the pure whites are mixing at an increasing rate. Their numbers will dwindle. The mixed ones will increase dramatically and any fleeting racist ideals will decrease to the point that there will be a totally mixed population.


Jan 1, 2002
I do not like this vein of though. So, I will close it. You can complain to the owners.
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