Who is going to rent all these apartments in Las Terrenas?


Jun 10, 2008
I visited my favourite place on the south coast, Bayahibe, a few days ago. The building of apartment blocks that is going on there is incredible. The once small town that I liked so much will soon be a thing of the past, so it's happening all over the country.
That’s interesting stock. I think I will go out there and have a look at that development in Bayahibe


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
That’s interesting stock. I think I will go out there and have a look at that development in Bayahibe
Abinader's administration is pushing to develope every single piece of available property along the coasts be it for tourism or year long living. The new roads being built out to the middle of these virgin coastlines are being built for a reason.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Someone must be buying them and someone must be furnishing them because we just got back from Las Terrenas and they have two new furniture stores. Buying quality furniture was always a challenge in Samana, so we were excited to find these new stores. They had quality solid hardwood and teak furniture at good prices. They said it was being imported from Indonesia and other countries.
One is Kif Kif import and the other is Woodstock Dominicana. Vanities were always hard to find and they even had some of those in teak.
They both also had good friendly service.
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Jul 10, 2004
Abinader's administration is pushing to develope every single piece of available property along the coasts be it for tourism or year long living. The new roads being built out to the middle of these virgin coastlines are being built for a reason.
Capitalism at its best. Some might say.

Infrastructure will limit such developments because of water and electricity supply.


Master of my own fate.
Oct 10, 2002
Planet Earth
I visited my favourite place on the south coast, Bayahibe, a few days ago. The building of apartment blocks that is going on there is incredible. The once small town that I liked so much will soon be a thing of the past, so it's happening all over the country.
I knew Bayahibe more than 25 years ago. I hadn't been there for a while did two visits late last year, Bayahibe is now destroyed.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I knew Bayahibe more than 25 years ago. I hadn't been there for a while did two visits late last year, Bayahibe is now destroyed.
The last time I went was in 1987. I don't want to go back now.


Jun 10, 2008
We prefer Dominicus, just “around the corner”. We’ve stayed in several places, our favorite, hands down, is Cadaques. It’s marketed as Bayahibe but it’s not. Also, it backs up to a state park.
There is pueblo Bayahibe and then Dominicus where all the resorts are and looks like Punta Cana.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Today paradise put up a parking lot
I visited my favourite place on the south coast, Bayahibe, a few days ago. The building of apartment blocks that is going on there is incredible. The once small town that I liked so much will soon be a thing of the past, so it's happening all over the country.
Today Paradise put up a parking lot.
Little Boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of Ticky Tacky and they all look just the same
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Jul 10, 2004
The world said the same thing about Orlando Fla. Still saying it after 20+ years. Hard to stop herd mentality.
Florida might have the water and power to keep the herd growing. The DR? That is quite questionable.
If there is enough money to be made to install more power plants and dams, then it is possible.

But back to who is renting those condos in LT. Are they filling up with clients?


New member
Apr 18, 2021
New Jersey
In the 80’s my father-in-law purchased an apartment in a small development called Puerta Laguna which is now part of Dominicus Beach. The little pueblo outside of it was refered to as Fuller Town named after the guy that owned all the property. I think he was from Atlanta. We would make the 5 min drive to Bayayibe for lobster and tostones with the kids. We always went to the same place on the water. It was incredible. We were always the only ones there. It really started to change ( not for the better ) in the early 2000’s. We went one Saturday night to find a full blown bachelor party going on. While my then teenage son seemed interested, my wife and daughter were devastated. Still has beautiful beaches to this day, just crowded.
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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Going back to what we are supposed to be talking about on this thread, apartments in LT, I was there a couple of weeks ago and I have to say it didn't seem busy at all, particularly not considering it's supposed to be the top of high season. Etno was very busy on Saturday night, but only on Saturday night. We counted 3 people there on Sunday afternoon, not a soul on Monday. Mosquito was completely empty on Friday night. How those places survive amazes me, they have so many staff. And the beautiful apartments we stayed in for US$ 120 a night had a lot of availability. In my humble opinion it's not a going to be a great year for LT and it will only get worse when all these new apartments open and everyone drops their prices even more.


Sep 16, 2004
There will be a lot of grumpy people in LT if/when those go in to action. There may be some good apt deals in LT in 2025/26...

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
I disagree (other than an actual drought or plantas out of order). The problem is that too much of both resources go to waste. I recall many times while we lived in a nicer area in POP city when people from other parts and on this forum complained that they have no water. Meanwhile, our street was flooded and all the cisterns full as Coraaplata left the valves open for more than 24 hours and some pipelines on the street have leaks... Had that water been properly directed, there would have not been any shortage...

Same thing where my wife's sister lives, they had shortages at times while we lived with a full cistern 24/7...
Same where I live now. The Water tank dumps thousands of gallons per day through rust holes, the pipes leak huge volumes,
I live in Los Cerros - Corraplata doesn't seem to care
A water utility pays for pumping and they want to sell their product - that's their business - but Corraplata never fixes any leak unless multiple calls are made and then it takes weeks to months, if ever. Residents usually fix them in front of their homes.


Active member
Jul 13, 2017
Expatriation is the new "American dream".
Why are the expats in DR complaining about too many expats coming to the DR?

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Same where I live now. The Water tank dumps thousands of gallons per day through rust holes, the pipes leak huge volumes,
I live in Los Cerros - Corraplata doesn't seem to care
A water utility pays for pumping and they want to sell their product - that's their business - but Corraplata never fixes any leak unless multiple calls are made and then it takes weeks to months, if ever. Residents usually fix them in front of their homes.

Be proactive and get yourself some Flex tape!