Nothing new in Haiti; choice of president and prime minister was not by consensus of transition council

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Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

Despite the advances in the installation of a “government” in Haiti, all is not well. It is now kown that a consensus was not reached for the appointment of the acting president and prime minister by the political groups named to the Transitional Presidential Council. Reports are that instead of uniting the council so it can get to the task of restoring peace in Haiti, the choice of Presidential Transition Council (Edgard Leblanc Fils) and an acting Prime Minister Fritz Bélizaire has divided the newly named government entity. These reportedly were elected with the favor of four of the seven members with voting rights.

Read more:MTPR DR1 News...

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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Recolonization with a very heavy-handed approach is the only way there will ever be peace in Haiti.
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Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Recolonization with a very heavy-handed approach is the only way there will ever be peace in Haiti.
Like what's taking place in Gaza... Or what the US along with other countries tried to do in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are now trying to do in Yemen?

And what about Sudan, Ethiopia, the Congo, Somalia, and Libya... And Turkey, Syria, Lebanon... Then there's Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Myanmar, and North Korea... And closer to home... Venezuela.

Is "...Recolonization with a heavy-handed approach..." regarding "...the only way there will ever be peace..." in these countries what should take place?

In 1963, Sellassie made a speech in front of the UN that only began to touch on the underlying matters that instigate human conflicts. Unfortunately, what he said pretty much fell on deaf ears, and over the ensuing years the agendas of greed and world domination, which were always there, have made it less likely for anything to be accomplished.

And yet, I believe there is something specific taking place regarding Haiti, something that remains hidden and will require far more suffering before being revealed. Most people think that Haiti is only a land of poor people who are desperate for handouts... But there are some very, very wealthy Haitians who continue to live in the chaos that afflicts Haiti. And they look forward to the day that they can once again assume their money-making ways at the cost of the common citizenry.

Is it a coincidence that Haiti was the first independent former slave nation in the Western Hemisphere, something that poked the then-leading way of capitalism right in the eye?

There's far more to this story.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Like what's taking place in Gaza... Or what the US along with other countries tried to do in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are now trying to do in Yemen?

There's far more to this story.
Indeed there

Short of recolonization ( I love how you foolishly assumed I meant recolonization by the USA) in Haiti there WILL NEVER be peace in Haiti.

It's is time for Haiti to join the civilized world. It is time for these people to stop the voodoo, stop the finger pointing, stop the complaining, stop killing each other like animals, stop pleading for our sympathy and stop expecting the rest of the civilized world to continue wiping their dysfunctional asses.

By the way, I spent last summer traveling all over Turkey, highly recommend the place to anyone who has the time, money and a little motovation to do some traveling.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Like what's taking place in Gaza... Or what the US along with other countries tried to do in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are now trying to do in Yemen?

And what about Sudan, Ethiopia, the Congo, Somalia, and Libya... And Turkey, Syria, Lebanon... Then there's Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Myanmar, and North Korea... And closer to home... Venezuela.

Is "...Recolonization with a heavy-handed approach..." regarding "...the only way there will ever be peace..." in these countries what should take place?

In 1963, Sellassie made a speech in front of the UN that only began to touch on the underlying matters that instigate human conflicts. Unfortunately, what he said pretty much fell on deaf ears, and over the ensuing years the agendas of greed and world domination, which were always there, have made it less likely for anything to be accomplished.

And yet, I believe there is something specific taking place regarding Haiti, something that remains hidden and will require far more suffering before being revealed. Most people think that Haiti is only a land of poor people who are desperate for handouts... But there are some very, very wealthy Haitians who continue to live in the chaos that afflicts Haiti. And they look forward to the day that they can once again assume their money-making ways at the cost of the common citizenry.

Is it a coincidence that Haiti was the first independent former slave nation in the Western Hemisphere, something that poked the then-leading way of capitalism right in the eye?

There's far more to this story.
That would be reclaiming or decolonizing by Hebrews. Yemin, you would have to ask Iran., nothing to do with the west. China? Turkey? What are you trying to say. I spent about 3 months in Ethiopia, when they had their Marxixt dictatorship, doing famine relief, mainly in Somalia, but we were based in Ethiopia.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
Like what's taking place in Gaza... Or what the US along with other countries tried to do in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are now trying to do in Yemen?

And what about Sudan, Ethiopia, the Congo, Somalia, and Libya... And Turkey, Syria, Lebanon... Then there's Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Myanmar, and North Korea... And closer to home... Venezuela.

Is "...Recolonization with a heavy-handed approach..." regarding "...the only way there will ever be peace..." in these countries what should take place?

In 1963, Sellassie made a speech in front of the UN that only began to touch on the underlying matters that instigate human conflicts. Unfortunately, what he said pretty much fell on deaf ears, and over the ensuing years the agendas of greed and world domination, which were always there, have made it less likely for anything to be accomplished.

And yet, I believe there is something specific taking place regarding Haiti, something that remains hidden and will require far more suffering before being revealed. Most people think that Haiti is only a land of poor people who are desperate for handouts... But there are some very, very wealthy Haitians who continue to live in the chaos that afflicts Haiti. And they look forward to the day that they can once again assume their money-making ways at the cost of the common citizenry.

Is it a coincidence that Haiti was the first independent former slave nation in the Western Hemisphere, something that poked the then-leading way of capitalism right in the eye?

There's far more to this story.
?? is Haiti a terrorist state that invaded a neighboring country killing over one thousand people, raping and killing woman and children? NO! I love living here and I agree with the president. Strong border and let them wallow in their misery which they designed all by themselves.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
?? is Haiti a terrorist state that invaded a neighboring country killing over one thousand people, raping and killing woman and children? NO! I love living here and I agree with the president. Strong border and let them wallow in their misery which they designed all by themselves.

Before the former Haitian president was killed, the DR's president was trying to work with him on developing better Haitian/DR relations... Has his heart changed... Or is he waiting on some sort of working normalcy to return so that he can pick up the ball again?

The president of the DR is no fool... And is very aware of all the various players and agendas involved.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
What are you trying to say.

Do all these countries that are at war, or suffering from internal conflicts, require "...recolonization..." in order for "...peace..." to reign?

Don't think so.

Honestly... I wonder if CristoRey even knows what "... recolonization..." means.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
The gentleman is just expressing his opinion. Bluntly! Sure, he could clean it up into a fuzzy package that would be more "sensitive", however he is correct. No one wants to believe a portion of mankind is unsalvageable. Haiti is as close as they come to being hopeless.
I think the world could get by without Haiti, France and North Korea
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La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
The thread is wandering far afield of the topic - Haiti. Please keep your discussions centered around that country!!


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
The gentleman is just expressing his opinion. Bluntly! Sure, he could clean it up into a fuzzy package that would be more "sensitive", however he is correct. No one wants to believe a portion of mankind is unsalvageable. Haiti is as close as they come to being hopeless.

I can only shake my head at the statement of Haiti being " close as they come to being hopeless...".

A quick check with Dun & Bradstreet (ever heard of those good folk) tells us that there are 256 listed businesses (not sure how current the report is), the top 50 of which produce US $5-$80-million in annual revenue... And there are another 200+ businesses to go... And I'm pretty sure that some of these businesses are producers of goods used by — and appreciated by — citizens of other countries, possibly including the DR... And that they are staffed by Haitian workers.

Honestly... Back in the '80s and '90s there was a drug kingpin who blew up a plane, as well as murdered a presidential candidate — Galan... And yet I can't remember this type of vitriol being directed at Columbians. Oh, and how many thousands became casualties of the drug cartels... Including those who took drugs, or perhaps died because of the actions of drug users.

And I'm not trying to take the thread off-topic... I'm just trying to expose the unjust speaking that is taking place regarding Haiti and Haitians.

No doubt that Haiti and Haitians have a huge set of problems to overcome... And no doubt the disposition of many Haitians is not helping... But this isn't something that came about over the recent decades... This is something that is related to almost two centuries of definite and well-known/documented opposition from institutions outside of Haiti... And being as deeply embedded in Haitian society as it is, a solution will not manifest itself overnight.

Yet, often, it takes the utter destruction of something, before it can truly be rebuilt... And I believe this is what Haiti is experiencing.

The question is... Whose agenda will guide the rebuilding of Haiti?

Geographically, Haiti has strategic importance... Naturally, Haiti has resources and beauty... Workforce, Haiti has hard workers... And in business, Haiti has proven leadership... All are highly valued by the capitalist machine.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
I can only shake my head at the statement of Haiti being " close as they come to being hopeless...".

A quick check with Dun & Bradstreet (ever heard of those good folk) tells us that there are 256 listed businesses (not sure how current the report is), the top 50 of which have between US $5-$80-million in annual revenue... And there are another 200+ businesses to go... And I'm pretty sure that some of these businesses are producers of goods used by — and appreciated by — citizens of other countries, possibly including the DR... And that they are staffed by Haitian workers.

Honestly... Back in the '80s and '90s there was a drug kingpin who blew up a plane, as well as murdered a presidential candidate — Galan... And yet I can't remember this type of vitriol being directed at Columbians. Oh, and how many thousands became casualties of the drug cartels... Including those who took drugs, or perhaps died because of the actions of drug users.

And I'm not trying to take the thread off-topic... I'm just trying to expose the unjust speaking that is taking place regarding Haiti and Haitians.

No doubt that Haiti and Haitians have a huge set of problems to overcome... And no doubt the disposition of many Haitians is not helping... But this isn't something that came about over the recent decades... This is something that is related to almost two centuries of definite and well-known/documented opposition from institutions outside of Haiti... And being as deeply embedded in Haitian society as it is, a solution will not manifest itself overnight.

Yet, often, it takes the utter destruction of something, before it can truly be rebuilt... And I believe this is what Haiti is experiencing.

The question is... Whose agenda will guide the rebuilding of Haiti?

Geographically, Haiti has strategic importance... Naturally, Haiti has resources and beauty... Workforce, Haiti has hard workers... And in business, Haiti has proven leadership... All are highly valued by the capitalist machine.
keep shaking your head better yet burry it the sand. Haiti is a failed state that cannot participate in world economics. Other than mangos, vegetables and a few tons of cheap clothing material they do not have a cash crop. They cannot participate because they can't communicate with anyone except those that speak their gibberish.
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
First... Being born and raised in a formerly British colony, when I read the word "...recolonization..." my thought went to the British Empire's view of things.

So much for your silly impertinent childish attempt at an insult... I had hoped that the immaturity of some on this forum had changed... But alas.

Moving on... The ignorance exposed in saying, "...there will never be peace in Haiti..." only exhibits the poverty of the proper understanding of the matter that you suffer from, CristoRey... There are many regions in Haiti where the type of violence found mainly in the capital city of Port-au-Prince and its suburbs does not exist... But some obtuse-minded people only think to tar all with the same brush.

Further... You say "...It's is time for Haiti to join the civilized world."

I can only shake my head at the inherent ignorance of your above statement.

May you be saved from the darkness that constitutes your mind.

You continued... "It is time for these people to stop the voodoo, stop the finger pointing, stop the complaining, stop killing each other like animals, stop pleading for our sympathy and stop expecting the rest of the civilized world to continue wiping their dysfunctional asses."

Vodoo, Santeria, Pocomania, Obeah, Burjeria, and on and on the list of names goes, can be found all over the world... Particularly where there has been a substantial Roman Catholic religion influence within local communities that held to other spiritual backgrounds... The Dominican Republic included.

As a Christian believer, I agree that none of these culture-developed spiritual religions serve any positive purpose... But then again, generally speaking, I don't think religion serves any positive purpose either, nor do I think that political culture serves any positive purpose... But just getting rid of these things won't solve the problems inherent in human society.

And all properly functioning humans are, in one way or another and to one degree or another, guilty of "...finger[-]pointing..."... Just as it is for "...complaining..."... Just as it is for "...killing each other like animals..."... Just as it is for "...pleading for..." the sympathy of others... Just as it is for "...expecting the rest of the civilized world to continue wiping their dysfunctional asses...".

Shoot... You're here on this thread whining, CristoRey... And sadly, seem totally oblivious to it.
Amen 😄😅😂🤣


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
keep shaking your head better yet burry it the sand. Haiti is a failed state that cannot participate in world economics. Other than mangos, vegetables and a few tons of cheap clothing material they do not have a cash crop. They cannot participate because they can't communicate with anyone except those that speak their gibberish.

Thankfully, I, through experience, actually know better... And my wife speaks fluent Haitian Creole.
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
The gentleman is just expressing his opinion. Bluntly! Sure, he could clean it up into a fuzzy package that would be more "sensitive", however he is correct. No one wants to believe a portion of mankind is unsalvageable. Haiti is as close as they come to being hopeless.
Dude is free to package it up and resell it however he chooses, lol.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
Thankfully, I, through experience, actually know better... And my wife speaks fluent Haitian Creole.
clearly and evidently, you do not. If only 15% of the media reports about Haiti are true, the country is completely defunct, further as someone who speaks Afrakaans there maybe one language that is more useless. Haitian Creole.
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
First... Being born and raised in a formerly British colony, when I read the word "...recolonization..." my thought went to the British Empire's view of things.

So much for your silly impertinent childish attempt at an insult... I had hoped that the immaturity of some on this forum had changed... But alas.

Moving on... The ignorance exposed in saying, "...there will never be peace in Haiti..." only exhibits the poverty of the proper understanding of the matter that you suffer from, CristoRey... There are many regions in Haiti where the type of violence found mainly in the capital city of Port-au-Prince and its suburbs does not exist... But some obtuse-minded people only think to tar all with the same brush.

Further... You say "...It's is time for Haiti to join the civilized world."

I can only shake my head at the inherent ignorance of your above statement.

May you be saved from the darkness that constitutes your mind.

You continued... "It is time for these people to stop the voodoo, stop the finger pointing, stop the complaining, stop killing each other like animals, stop pleading for our sympathy and stop expecting the rest of the civilized world to continue wiping their dysfunctional asses."

Vodoo, Santeria, Pocomania, Obeah, Burjeria, and on and on the list of names goes, can be found all over the world... Particularly where there has been a substantial Roman Catholic religion influence within local communities that held to other spiritual backgrounds... The Dominican Republic included.

As a Christian believer, I agree that none of these culture-developed spiritual religions serve any positive purpose... But then again, generally speaking, I don't think religion serves any positive purpose either, nor do I think that political culture serves any positive purpose... But just getting rid of these things won't solve the problems inherent in human society.

And all properly functioning humans are, in one way or another and to one degree or another, guilty of "...finger[-]pointing..."... Just as it is for "...complaining..."... Just as it is for "...killing each other like animals..."... Just as it is for "...pleading for..." the sympathy of others... Just as it is for "...expecting the rest of the civilized world to continue wiping their dysfunctional asses...".

Shoot... You're here on this thread whining, CristoRey... And sadly, seem totally oblivious to it.

You continued... "By the way, I spent last summer traveling all over Turkey, highly recommend the place to anyone who has the time, money and a little motovation to do some traveling."

Blind people with money are full of all sorts of recommendations... But where travel to Turkey is concerned, those who are really in the know would suggest not venturing out of the very protected tourist-friendly zones... Kind of like is recommended for possibly 75% of countries around the world.
This rhetoric is all-too familiar, PB.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Another person that thinks there is hope for Haiti.. Why do they exist?
To make up for the shortfall of people like yourself, I'm thinking.

Last I checked... The only cost that hope has is the negative self... And I've got no problem letting go of the negative where Haiti is concerned... And will even spend time encouraging others to do the same.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I wonder how well Belvil is doing?
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