Do-it-Yourself Temporary Residency Renewal Procedure


Active member
Mar 24, 2008
To report something (cedula) lost/stolen, would I need to do it in Santo Domingo? Or are there other options which are along the north coast (closer to Cabrera)? I thought maybe I could do it in Puerto Plata where I got my criminal record check done?


Oct 16, 2012
That's great! I hope it's that quick in Santo Domingo, too.
I'm renewing my permanent residency.

On the paper listing the requirements for renewing permanent residencey it states the following:

Recuerde: Que la entrega de las certificaciones de no antecedentes penales de la Procuraduria General de la Republica tardan aproximadamente diez (10) dias; sin este requisito indespensable para la DGM, su residencia no puede ser renovada

Remember: That the delivery of certificates of no criminal record from the Office of the Attorney General takes approximately ten (10) days; without this indespensable requirement for DGM, your residence can not be renewed

In Santiago at the Palace of Justice, it took around 30 minutes.........
Perhaps in Santo Domingo it takes longer as their work load is probably much heavier.
Jan 17, 2009
UPDATE: to my post of last year that started this thread. I was in Santo Domingo for the third renewal of my temporary residency today.

They are now giving out numbers and while more orderly, a bit confusing, with large monitors showing the numbers being called. You literally cannot take your eyes of the monitors for 1.5 hours (that's how long it took me today).

- No need to leave your passport or cedula to get inside.

- Go to Information Desk inside, right next to where they make copies. Ask for a number to purchase your renewal form. They will call you at cashiers (windows 1-4) where you'll have to show your passport and residency card.

- Return to information desk with the form filled out and they'll give you another number that you'll have until you're finished.

- They will call you next from Window 5 to take your fingerprints.

- Go make 4 copies and return immediately; they'll call you to Window 8. (They called me while I was trying to get my copies; I missed it but my husband got up and was told I should approach that window directly once I had my copies ready)

- Now you have to wait till they call you from cashiers (windows 1-4) to pay. Still 4,000 pesos VIP. This was the longer wait, about 45 minutes.

- Next, photo, through the glass doors on the main floor. It took less than 5 minutes between the time I paid and was called to Foto 1.

- After the photo, I picked up my card in about 10 minutes from window 9 or 10.

CEDULA. I was very happy to learn that this cedula was free. Just like that, no charge. It may be because they're replacing old cedulas with the biometric ones, don't know but 3,300 pesos saved. It took about 2.5 hours to get the cedula. Slow and confusing process. No one directs you where to go. So here it is:

1. Go to the office, first door on your left on first floor (not main, one floor up).
2. Wait outside till they call you and give you your passport, residency and old cedula back.
3. Seat on the chairs in front of the office where you went first.
4. Once you're called in, and finished with photo and signature, the waiting room is inside in an a/c room next to the cashier.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
Temporary residency renewal

Thank you Expat-in-Cab. I appreciate the update, will make getting around Migration a lot easier.

My turn to renew Temporary Residence coming up.

1. Was all the same Documentations require as last Year? ( The start of this thread)
2. Did you need copies of your complete passport (all pages) or just the Picture & ID page?

Will start preparing. Thanks again for all the great info.

I hope that we can Keep this tread about ? TEMPORARY RESIDENCY RENEWAL ?
There would be less confusion.
Jan 17, 2009
You're welcome!

Yes, the documents needed are exactly the same I listed on my first post. The only thing that changed was the process inside, in terms of requiring to get a number and the windows were they call you.

You need a copy of your passport page with photo, name, DOB and date issued, as well as a copy of any page where a passport extension was granted if it has been renewed (mine had been, so for me it was three pages).

Remember bringing everything in original plus four sets of copies, and to add the copies of the renewal form you purchase there on top of each set, all in a manila folder, including the two passport pictures, your passport and residency card.

Rep Dom

Dec 27, 2011
Hi I'll go to SD to renew on monday
I have all the documents.
But how many sets of copies must I bring?
4 sets of all the documents, is that correct?

Rep Dom

Dec 27, 2011
So I went to the migration to renew residencia and then to the Junta for cedula.
Everyhing went fine, surely because my spanish is ok now and got help from my dominican gf and her sister. Thanks to them for helping me and waiting with me.
All the information I got in this thread was very helpfull and accurate.
Just I only needed to make 3 sets of copies.
I paid 6000 for the residency and, pretty cool thing, the cedula was free.
So I'll renew again next year


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Ok wrong thread but I cant find the other one........

I am getting residency for first time ( still not there yet 5 months after having deposited everything ).
Anyway, I have an appointment friday at migracion for carnet de residencia, than Junta thingy for cedula, than back to migracion.

My question is : is the cedula place the same as for dominicans ??? Since it is last day for them to get new cedulas..... I hope not, I cant imagine the queues........

Oh and if anyone has the adress for the cedula place...... thanks.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Malko, you'll need a valid residency before they will issue the cedula.

Unless the morning trip gives you residency, don't bother going to the Junta

I say this b/c you say you'll be going back to Migracion after the Junta


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Malko, you'll need a valid residency before they will issue the cedula.

Unless the morning trip gives you residency, don't bother going to the Junta

I say this b/c you say you'll be going back to Migracion after the Junta

They called me the other day and I went round but only so they could give me an apppintment.
The ( nice/helpful) lady told me to get to migracion as early as possible as they would be sending me to JCE and then back again to migracion.
The whole explanation got lost in the ambient noise as they are behind a glass window and their speech comes across as if my head was in a box full of cotton wool........
She knows we come from far ( ie the NC ) and was hopeful everything would be done in one day.......

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
just double check.... Junta wants/needs the residency card in order to issue the cedula...
its fast at the Junta... I did it on different days.

but I know you're trying to beat the deadline

good luck


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Thanks WW......

Not really trying to beat the deadline...... just want everything wrapped up once and for all....... all these SD trips are getting on my nerves......especially since I have stopped going down in the guagua and now take the SUV, I hate the city driving, I hate parking my oversized bradley fighting vehicule......... but I got to visit carrefour last time and stock up on some much wanted/needed french products ( like raising powder !!!! ).

I just hope this time will be the last........ and that I will finally come away with my residency........

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Carrefour... the Frenchman's friend....

I hope it all works out.... my friend just finished this morning

He got a 4 year residency.... after a 1 yr temporary
but he's a bit of a VIP.... unlike the rest of us

in at 8:30 and out by 10:30... no medical


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
What about getting provisional resedencia for the first time? Is the procedure the same?


Mar 22, 2006
Carrefour... the Frenchman's friend....

I hope it all works out.... my friend just finished this morning

He got a 4 year residency.... after a 1 yr temporary
but he's a bit of a VIP.... unlike the rest of us

in at 8:30 and out by 10:30... no medical

I want this! How do I become a VIP? I meet the requirements for permanent, have temporary with one renewal, another coming up in April - would love to go straight to permanent!!!