Earthquakes in the DR


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
Here in Luperon Hills we were quite shaken...but no wall nor roof cracking.
Interesting though.


Feb 20, 2016
Here in Luperon Hills we were quite shaken...but no wall nor roof cracking.
Interesting though.
according to people around me I have been in a number of those small quakes...thats in about 6years.. never felt a thing... had my world rocked in other ways but still waiting for the earth to quake............


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
according to people around me I have been in a number of those small quakes...thats in about 6years.. never felt a thing... had my world rocked in other ways but still waiting for the earth to quake............

I was in Haiti for the 2010 one. I had felt others living in California but Haiti was serious, and I was 150 miles or so from PAP, the epicenter. I pray never again because that was scary.


Jul 3, 2002
You should have been here for the 2003 quake (6.5) centered off Puerto Plata, it collapsed my concrete car port and had me bouncing off my bed like a rag doll. First time in my life I thought I was going to die, I thought it was the end of the world. Definitely the most terrifying experience ever, for me. Keep in mind that a 6.5 is ten times stronger than a 5.5 and the soft ground in my area causes a lot more shaking than rocky soil. We had 300 aftershocks in the 10 months after. Was hard to sleep for me, must have had some form of PTSD.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
You should have been here for the 2003 quake (6.5) centered off Puerto Plata, it collapsed my concrete car port and had me bouncing off my bed like a rag doll. First time in my life I thought I was going to die, I thought it was the end of the world. Definitely the most terrifying experience ever, for me. Keep in mind that a 6.5 is ten times stronger than a 5.5 and the soft ground in my area causes a lot more shaking than rocky soil. We had 300 aftershocks in the 10 months after. Was hard to sleep for me, must have had some form of PTSD.
Since living in this country the biggest jolts I've felt were back in summer of 2019 here in Santiago.
I asked the fella I rent from how much he thought the building could withstand if we ever have a big one?
He basically told me with the way the building was constructed so long as we move side to side, we're
ok but if it goes front to back we're screwed.


Jul 3, 2002
My house after the 2003 quake

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I feel small wiggles every so often at home in San Cristobal. I'll be sitting in the back patio and I'll feel it in my chair.

They say you don't have to worry about the small ones. You worry after they stop.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
You should have been here for the 2003 quake (6.5) centered off Puerto Plata, it collapsed my concrete car port and had me bouncing off my bed like a rag doll. First time in my life I thought I was going to die, I thought it was the end of the world. Definitely the most terrifying experience ever, for me. Keep in mind that a 6.5 is ten times stronger than a 5.5 and the soft ground in my area causes a lot more shaking than rocky soil. We had 300 aftershocks in the 10 months after. Was hard to sleep for me, must have had some form of PTSD.
I was in the Hotel Santo Domingo with my other half and we felt it too. My other half called her mother who was in our Puerto Plata house and she was freaking out. Things were falling all over the place but no damage to the structure.


Jul 10, 2004
You should have been here for the 2003 quake (6.5) centered off Puerto Plata, it collapsed my concrete car port and had me bouncing off my bed like a rag doll. First time in my life I thought I was going to die, I thought it was the end of the world. Definitely the most terrifying experience ever, for me. Keep in mind that a 6.5 is ten times stronger than a 5.5 and the soft ground in my area causes a lot more shaking than rocky soil. We had 300 aftershocks in the 10 months after. Was hard to sleep for me, must have had some form of PTSD.
I was getting on an airplane connecting from California where I had been living (of all places) to the DR to be here full time, and was seated next to the Honorary Council from Austria who owned some AI resorts heading out of Puerto Plata to Santiago, RIU I believe when he told me the earthquake had hit earlier that morning. Thankfully it was not a not a big issue in Cabarete.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
There was a crazy one in santiago, maybe in 2000 or 2002.

Rumours say that although the walls of the prison crumbled, the prisoners were so scared that didn't escape.

In those days my wife had a house in Santiago, and they were on the upper floor, trying to get down the stairs they were knocked of their feet.

Once outside the swimming pool was going crazy and emptied half the water all over the place. My wife had grabbed 2 of her nieces and got them out. However her cousin had forgotten her 5 month old baby upstairs 😆😆😆.