Andrés García Died


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Andrés García died yesterday, April 4, 2023 in Acapulco, Mexico. He was born in Santo Domingo and lived in the DR until he was 11 when his family had to move our of the country due to a problem his father had with the Spanish Ambassador to the DR. If it wasn't for that, they would had stayed in the DR, but then he would had never become a famous movie actor. Eventually, they ended up in Mexico (he was 15/16 years old). He became a Mexican movie actor and with that reached fame becoming well known practically in every Spanish-speaking country and even in the Hispanic communities in the USA. He was also known as a playboy.

According to the the beginning parts of the following interview (in Spanish), he says where he was born and that he made his beach house in Acapulco, Mexico inspired in the style of Punta Cana. He touches on the DR again in 2:48.

In English: