Anti-Haitian march in Santiago


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I’m up in Santiago for a few days and walked up to Restoration Monument. There were between 150 -200 Dominicans marching with police cooperation. it started at the monument and wound its way down and I saw them on El Sol.

Nobody was angry but they were forceful. I have some pictures I took with permission. I’m not sure what brought it on. Also there didn’t appear to be any news coverage, but I could have missed that.


Jun 28, 2003
It would be interesting to know what the catalyst was that brought this on. Local news perhaps?


Oct 29, 2010
I’m up in Santiago for a few days and walked up to Restoration Monument. There were between 150 -200 Dominicans marching with police cooperation. it started at the monument and wound its way down and I saw them on El Sol.

Nobody was angry but they were forceful. I have some pictures I took with permission. I’m not sure what brought it on. Also there didn’t appear to be any news coverage, but I could have missed that.

Why not show some of the pictures to let us know a bit more about it?
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Why not show some of the pictures to let us know a bit more about it?
Indeed there is a small Nationalist party here in Santiago. They held a march last year with a small rally afterwards in Parque Colon. There were less than a 100 people in attendance. I saw more Haitians marching/ protesting back when Abel moved the Thursday market from Pueblo Nuevo out towards Navarette. Pay it no mind.
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Marchan en Santiago reclamando saquen haitianos indocumentados del país


El Movimiento los Trinitarios y el grupo ultranacionalista Antigua Orden Dominicana realizaron este domingo una caminata en demanda de que autoridades del gobierno saquen a los haitianos indocumentados que habitan en el país.

“Si el gobierno no hace nada , los vamos a sacar del país entero nosotros, de todas las calles” aseguró el líder movimiento.

Entre los reclamos que hacen los manifestantes a las autoridades se encuentra la aplicación efectiva de leyes migratorias en el país, así como las deportaciones masivas, no parto gratis de haitianas, condena contra traficantes de haitianos, destitución del canciller de Relaciones Exteriores, Roberto Álvarez, limpieza de cédula fraudulentas, frontera segura, no a la ley de refugiados, además la destitución y cárcel a cónsules.

Los Trinitarios is a Dominican gang founded in New York City and present in many countries that are known for commiting some not so nice things to victims everywhere except in the DR, where they are more into doing social work that benefits communities. Protesting against the illegal Haitian immigration (notice they refer to undocumented Haitians, nothing about the legal ones) is probably the most "violent" thing they have done in the DR. Rather than a protest about Haitians per say, all their requests are geared towards the Dominican government. They do say that if their reauest are not made, they will take things on their own hands, whatever that means.

Until a few years ago this gang didn't targetted Dominicans whether they were part of the gang or not. It seems the younger generations are changing that. Maybe they shouldn't change some things. From what I'm understanding, the reason this was founded was to protect Dominicans from the bullyism many were facing simply for being Dominicans. I suspect this is the msin reason why this gang has a different attitude in the DR and don't get involved in criminal offenses the gang does creates outside the DR.