Cheap hotels/guest houses

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Daniel Vasilaky

I am a student who has been to Juan Dolio last year and is going to DR next week. I like to travel as simply as possible and dont mind staying in run-down places so long as they are cheap. I liked Playa de Guayacanes very much and am looking for the absolute cheapest places to stay in that area. Can someone help?


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Daniel Vasilaky adds that he explored DR, by himself, when in his twenties. Daniel Vasilaky comments that if you want to do that, don't do it on your own. Daniel Vasilaky rode a minibus to La Romana. Those were the days ...
ALERT: Move your computer/phone away from the mirror...
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
It is because I want to boost my Internet presence, that I refer to myself in the third person. Perhaps I am overdoing it. However, despite not having been to the DR in some 20 years, I hope that I can give advice to prospective travelers. This is Daniel Vasilaky, over and out.
Can't you write a script to do it for you? Maybe you have already lol
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