Clave weekly newspaper and Clave Digital to cease publication?


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
Windeguy FTW....

The DR is a Narco-State.

Drugs need to be legalized or another Trujillo to take over... or Warren Buffet and B. Gates can just pool their money hire a merc army and clean the DR the hard way.... it is what I would do if I had 40+ billion in cash. 2 weeks of "cleansing" and the no more criminals/corrupts:rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo: in DR.

too much trouble just hire a big enough boat and offer a free ride to Nueva yol and you will have 3/4 of the country along for the ride. :bunny::bunny:
Feb 7, 2007
They will never do that unless Big Brother does it first.

Mexicans are playing around with that idea. Vicente Fox is a huge supporter of the reform. Calderon, while opposed, supports the national debate about the issue.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Legalizing the drug trade (which is mostly cocaine and its derivatives) in the DR is not and will not be the solution some people here are claiming.

First, the pressure the US will put on the country will be disastrous for the Dominican economy since the US now uses economic pressures to get what it wants.

And second, over 80% of all the drugs that leaves South America and enters the United States do so via the isthmus, that is Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras/El Salvador, Guatemala/Belize, Mexico and then knock on Uncle Sam's door.

That's where the overwhelming majority of the drugs go through and the money proceeding from that trade is laundered in.

Why would anyone in their right mind would put a country like the DR, where a small percentage of all the drugs/money laundering in the region is transported through/done?

Do you know what this would mean for the isthmus route and the DR?

Think DR = 100% of drug flows and money laundering.

Regardless from what angle you can try looking at that situation, its not good or pretty.

Drugs and money laundering are to an economy what viruses are to cells. They infect the cells, multiply within the cell, use the cell for energy, killing it in the process; and then in the end the new viruses break the cell into pieces as they burst out. In a nutshell, that's what money laundering and the drug trade does to an economy.

It destroys the legitimate businesses, corrodes the entire society, destroys direct foreign investment, and destroys the financial system; and once the financial system is gone, the drug/money laundering activities can't take place and they go to some other country with a healthy financial system in order to do the same; unless there are efforts to counter the effects and eliminate their presence, much like medicines and vaccines do to keep the cells from being infected from a virus.

Many people here claiming all sorts of things without fully understanding what they are wishing upon the country.

And the DR is not a narco state. That the media/politicians play with that idea is purely for politicking, when you look at the facts of the drug trade/money laundering in Central American and the Caribbean, there DR is actually quite behind.

And its falling even more behind since for the last couple of years all evidence shows a steep decline in drug trafficking to the DR (especially the air drops), and this is due to the effort the Dominican authorities in hand with the American authorities have been doing.

Sometimes I do wonder why some people are so quickly to suggest legalizing the drug trade. A simple look into the reality of the situation is enough to show the insanity of such idea. The only people that win with legalization are the drug lords.
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Dec 11, 2003
I have heard that there were death threats against the editor and several reporters at Clave. I wonder, too, if the reasons for closing were simply economic, why pull down the webpage? Does it really cost anything to just keep the domain name and the back issues up for reference. It seems that the entire "house" was burned down.

Are there any other journalist who are following this story up on TV?

I have been out of the country.

Huchi Lora, perhaps?

It is pretty scary if journalists are threatened with death.