Double Standards - NO MEN TO POST


New member
Nov 29, 2007
I am living with my Dominican for 7 years, he's 26 years younger. He was studying when we met and working, has since graduated with a law degree. During his time in school he took care of the house and the shopping while I worked, now we hire someone to do those things as he establishes his business. We live a nice peaceful life although i know some around us laugh at the age difference, our friends see the relationship for what it is


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
I think it has a lot to do with sexism still being a socially acceptable -ism. It's why when the 2nd wave of feminism began, people thought it was funny to say, "I'm a male chauvinist pig" and somebody made a fortune on little pig tie pins.

Additionally, for a lot of ex-pats in this country, I think the men have a sense of propriety, as in, "this is OUR playground" and they don't like it when women do the same thing. It may also have something to do with deep-seated racism. It's OK for white men to be the masters of dark-skinned women, but when a white woman is with a non-white man, then it's miscegenation.