DR1 Daily News - Friday, 27 March 2020


May 3, 2000
Covid-19: 488 cases in DR, 10 deaths
Four, nine or 15 deaths from Covid-19 in San Francisco?
Curfew hours increased in DR: Now 5 pm to 6 am
Police arrests 10,000 as it enforces curfew
Health providers announce coverage for Covid-19
Ministry of Labor: Companies are suspending their employees without pay
Association of Industries calls out for business solidarity
Corruption in times of states of emergency
Reinaldo Pared Pérez says he is treated for an esophageal tumor in the USA
Magalis Febles tests positive for Covid-19; tells of her troubles in getting medical help
Italian tested positive with Covid-19 still in the hospital
Mormon missionaries leave the country

Covid-19: 488 cases in DR, 10 deaths
The Ministry of Public Health in its Bulletin No. 7 dated 26 March reports that there are 96 more new coronavirus disease cases in the Dominican Republic, for a total of 488 cases. Of these, 108 are in hospital isolation and 367 in self-isolation at home. The increase in total cases is the lowest increase between reports so far this month of March, up 24%. As more testing becomes available, the numbers of positive cases are expected to increase.

1 March: 1 case. Italian who had arrived 22 February.
5 March: 2 cases (up 100%)
7 March: 5 cases (up 150%)
13 March: 11 cases (up 120%)
16 March: 21 cases (up 90%), 1 death
Classes called off, people ordered to stay home, telework

18 March: 34 cases (up 62%)
All flights canceled except ferry flights for tourists in the country

20 March: 72 cases (up 112%), 2 deaths
National Emergency State declared
Nationwide curfew from 8pm to 6am. Cancellation of Metro, OMSA buses and Skylift.

21 March: 112 cases, 3 deaths
22 March: 202 cases (up 116%)

23 March: 245 cases
24 March: 312 cases (up 54%), 6 deaths

25 March: 392 cases, 10 deaths
26 March: 488, cases (up 24%)

As of Bulletin No. 7 of the Ministry of Public Health, the positive cases of Covid-19 were located in:
National District: 235, up from 178
Santo Domingo Province: 55, up from 52
Santiago: 57, up from 53, 2 deaths
Duarte (San Francisco de Macoris): 43, up from 29, 4 deaths
La Altagracia (Higuey, Veron, Punta Cana): 11 cases
San Pedro de Macorís: 12 up from 10, 1 death
La Vega: 11, up from 8
Samaná: 7, 1 death
Sánchez Ramírez (Cotuí): 6
Espaillat (Moca): 10, up from 5
La Romana: 6, up from 5
Puerto Plata: 7, up from 5
San Cristóbal: 5, up from 4
María Trinidad Sánchez (Salcedo): 4, up from 3
Monseñor Nouel (Bonao) 3
Hato Mayor 2, up from 0
San Juan de la Maguana: 2, 1 death
Barahona: 2
Monte Plata:
Azua: 4
Independencia: 1
Valverde: 2, up from 1

Provinces without persons testing positive are: Montecristi, Dajabón, Santiago Rodríguez, Elías Piña, Bahoruco, Pedernales, San Jose de Ocoa and El Seibo.

Public Health Minister Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas says that around 25% of the persons who are tested have had positive results. To take the test, the person needs to have a physician prescription and at least two or three Covid-19 symptoms.


Four, nine or 15 deaths from Covid-19 in San Francisco?
The new mayor-elect Siquio Ng, Bishop Fausto Ramón Mejía Vallejo, province governor Luis Núñez Pantaleón, provincial medical director Ramón Morisette Fabian and many others in the medical and media sectors have tested positive for Covid-19 in northeastern San Francisco de Macorís. Among the deaths that have not been reported are health sector activist Virgilio Lebrón and journalist Pedro Fernández.

The media has reported on the conditions that have favored the spread of the disease in the province. On 25 March, Public Health Minister Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas visited San Francisco de Macorís and ordered quarantine, and patient isolation measures to be stepped up. Those suspect of having the disease and those who have tested positive are now being taken to special isolation areas. Previously, many had been told to self-isolated at home. Private clinics are now not receiving people with symptoms. The government has designed the San Vicente Paul public hospital that has minimal conditions for dealing with the disease.

The Police authorities are also being drastic to ensure that the 5pm to 6am quarantine is kept in the province. The government has ordered special sanitizing of public areas in San Francisco de Macoris.

The disease spread because one of the first imported cases of the virus was that of a Dominican woman who had returned from Italy and tested positive. She was told to self-isolate and did not do so. At the time, the medical staff in San Francisco de Macoris was not adequately prepared to deal with the disease.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obc72ZXk7mQ - Altagracia Salazar

Curfew hours increased in DR: Now 5 pm to 6 am
President Danilo Medina issued Decree 138-20 to extend the current curfew hours, which are from 8 pm to 5 pm. The new curfew hours are from 5 pm to 6 am. The measure says the curfew will be in effect from Friday, 27 March through 3 April 2020. The curfew is to ensure security and stem the Covid-19 virus in the country. During the curfew hours, the transit and movement of persons outside their homes is prohibited.

The curfew was first instated on 20 March 2020. The first case of Covid-19 had been reported on 1 March. As of 25 March 2020, there are 488 cases in the country.

The Police reports that since the start of curfew on Friday, 20 March 2020, 9,886 people have been arrested by the Police and military for violation of the emergency order.


Police arrests 10,000 as it enforces curfew
The National Police reported on Thursday, 26 March 2020 the arrest of nearly 10,000 persons for breaking the curfew law. As of that date, curfew started at 8 pm and ended at 6 am on the following morning since 20 March. The Police announced that on Wednesday, 1,480 persons were arrested. The number is up 12% compared to the previous evening when 1,320 persons were arrested. The Police says that the individuals are putting the safety of their community, family, neighbors and their own at risk.

The Police says the provinces were people are most unruly are Santiago, La Romana, Greater Santo Domingo and Peravia (Baní).

The curfew hours have now been lowered. As of Friday, 27 March 2020 curfew will be from 5 pm to 6 am.

The Police called for the people to act with solidarity and responsibility. The Police has threatened to press charges against those that violate the curfew.

The curfew is part of a national lockdown to stem the increase of the Covid-19 virus in the Dominican Republic. The first case was on 1 March 2020 and as of 25 March 2020 there were 488 positive cases and 10 deaths in the country.

The government also ordered shorter hours for produce markets and announced a widespread sanitizing operation in public places in cities and towns nationwide.


Health providers announce coverage for Covid-19
The local Health Risk Administrators (ARS) announce that they will cover the diagnostic tests for new Covid-19 Coronavirus. These need to be prescribed by a pneumologist, epidemiologist, infectologist or internist as indicated by the Ministry of Public Health.

The main ARSs have already informed their members that they will also cover the cost of medical care for patients infected by the virus.

They have also indicated that they will cover emergencies and hospital admissions resulting from the spread of Covid-19.

President Danilo Medina had announced the test would be covered by most insurance plans in his first address to the nation on the Covid-19 virus on Tuesday, 17 March 2020. In his second address on the issue, on Wednesday, 25 March, President Medina said the ARS would cover tests for those who had a doctor’s prescription and were 59 years or older, or had a debilitating health condition making the person at risk, such as diabetes, respiratory diseases, cancer, and kidney failure, among others. The test would also be covered for those presenting two or more symptoms of the lethal virus.

On 26 March, health insurance companies Universal and Humano announced they would be offering coverage to those having the physician prescription, two symptoms or persons who have been in contact with people tested positive for the disease.


Ministry of Labor: Companies are suspending their employees without pay
The Ministry of Labor says that as of noon on Thursday, 25 March 2020, 1,953 companies have requested the suspension of work contracts for 35,732 workers. He said the pace at which the requests are being made has increased, as reported in Listin Diario.

He said a commission of the Ministries of Hacienda and Economy is looking into how to work with the private sector and unions to find mechanisms so that the workers do not lose their jobs.

The Dominican Labor Code allows that in major events workers can be suspended without pay for three months.

He said this commission will present in the coming days the operational form of how the measures to help formal companies to guarantee jobs to workers will be implemented. He explained that the possibility of transfers being made through the Banco de Reservas or through the Dominican Institute for the Prevention and Protection of Labor Risks (Idopril) has been evaluated.

Santos explained that the government seeks to assist formal workers who have been suspended due to coronavirus prevention measures, and that these are mostly in the tourism sector, which has been hit hard by the situation, as have the free zones and other businesses.

He explained that through the DGT-9 form, which processes the authorization for the suspension of the effects of the employment contract, and which employers can access free of charge and virtually through the website of the ministry, companies are notifying their situation and suspending their employees.

Altagracia Salazar reported that most of the companies requesting suspension of pay of employees have less than 20 employees.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obc72ZXk7mQ - Altagracia Salazar

Association of Industries calls out for business solidarity
President Danilo Medina announced on Wednesday, 25 March 2020, that the government was prepared to assist companies with a rescue package for RD$32 billion so that the workers can be paid a minimum of RD$8,500 and keep their jobs.

The president of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), Celso Juan Marranzini, said that these are not times to fire people. He called for employers, government and workers to share the burden of the crisis.


Corruption in times of states of emergency
Carlos Pimentel, executive director of the civic movement Participación Ciudadana, said that corruption risks increase in periods of emergency in countries. The Dominican Republic is not the exception. He made the statement after the meeting of a working group made up of 13 Latin American chapters of Transparency International (TI). These presented on Thursday, 25 March 2020, an analysis of corruption risks and identified key preventive strategies to ensure that government procurement for the Covid-19 health crisis meets the objectives of alleviating the impact on the health of citizens and local economies in an integrated manner, and that the funds are not diverted by corruption and opportunism.

"Representatives of national chapters of Transparency International in Latin America, determined that corruption in emergencies increases the impact on society, are on alert to prevent it. The call for transparency in public procurement and contracting is the solution to prevent its misuse from costing lives and is the prevention of criminal actions," they said.

In this sense, they recommend:
• Disclosure of information on government purchases linked to the emergency. Activation of national anti-monopoly agencies to avoid collusion between economic actors or practices that result in price speculation.
• Activation of real-time audits for public procurement processes, precisely because of the exceptional nature of the situation and the magnitude of the emergency. Concentration of all information related to government procurement for the emergency in a single platform or generating identifiers in electronic public procurement platforms.

The 13 Transparency International chapters state that the emergency is not a justification for avoiding appropriate accountability. They warned that the unequal administration of direct aid could have detrimental effects on public health in the region.

"It is often said that transparency delays the delivery of goods and services. After an extensive review of the Latin American experience, there is no doubt that what really compromises and harms the delivery of the goods needed to meet the needs of the population is opacity and corruption," they said.


Reinaldo Pared Pérez says he is treated for an esophageal tumor in the USA
The president of the Dominican Senate and secretary general of the ruling Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) Reinaldo Pared Pérez says he has an esophageal tumor. He said he is in the United States to be treated. He did not explain if the tumor is malignant, where in the United States he is, nor where he was getting medical treatment. He said he traveled to the US to get a confirmation to the diagnosis he had received in the DR. He said the tumor has not affected other organs.

He announced in his Twitter account that he would undergo a treatment, by which and "God willing, the specialists predict the eradication of this ailment. We are in God's hands as always"!


Magalis Febles tests positive for Covid-19; tells of her troubles in getting medical help
The director for the Miss Universe pageant in the Dominican Republic, Magalis Febles, announced she has the Covid-19 virus. She wrote her story on her Instagram account to help others, especially those who had been in contact with her over the past 15 days. She explained she received the results only on the evening of 25 March 2020. After suspecting she could have Covid-19, she said she self-isolated herself at home. She tells about the difficulties in getting tested.

“I must tell you that trying to get tested became my biggest nightmare. I have been waiting for 9 days to have the tests done, which I finally was able to do thanks to the intervention of private medical staff that I have known for years. The telephone numbers offered by the Ministry of Health do not work. The system probably has collapsed. The private laboratories did not respond to my request.”

She also told about the difficulties in finding a doctor who would treat her. “I experienced first hand the refusal of private centers to receive patients with respiratory symptoms, and in a way I understand them. They are afraid,” she wrote.


Italian tested positive with Covid-19 still in the hospital
The Italian who came for a holiday in Dominicus is still in the country. Public Health Minister Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas confirmed during a press conference on Thursday, 26 March 2020 that the tourist continues at the Ramón de Lara Hospital at the San Isidro Air Base. Sánchez says the tourist needs to have two negative tests to be released from the hospital. For his safety, the Italian is probably best staying at the hospital for now. He will have a difficult time finding lodging and grabbing a flight to return to Italy as all flights are suspended until future notice.


Mormon missionaries leave the country
Dozens of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints left on a Wednesday, 25 March Delta Airline special flight out of Las Americas International Airport. The religious community did not issue a statement on the evacuation of the missionaries. The flight left for New York City in the United States. As reported in Diario Libre, the missionaries arrived at the airport with two and three suitcases each, along with backpacks and other bags.

A reporter from DL tried to talk to some of the leaders of the group, but none of them offered any details about the en masse departure. Diario Libre estimated the missionaries leaving were close to 300.

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Jan 8, 2002

A hardy thank you, to you and your collaborators for bringing us the news.




Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
Without this post I would be totally in the dark...thanks for everything.



Jul 4, 2012
Without this post I would be totally in the dark...thanks for everything.


I have seen envangilicos still going around saving souls but not lives. I eaven had to put up a sign saying please do not pet the dog. {the dog is very friendly}. They mean well but are endangering society.