For Expats Who've Decided to Stay, What Would Trigger Decision to Leave?

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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
According to today's DR1 news, the government
is holding up the importation of 40,000 test kits.
Doesn't make much sense but then again, when
its comes to the way these muppets do things,
nothing makes much sense.


Jul 9, 2009
Fatality rates:


Iceland is presenting many interesting pointers for estimating the CFR. Iceland has tested a higher proportion of people than any other country (9,768 individuals), equivalent to 26,762 per million inhabitants the highest in the world (as a comparison, South Korea has teated 6,343 individuals).

The results of screenings have suggested 0.5% are infected; the true figure is likely higher due to asymptomatic and as a result of many not seeking testing: estimates suggest the real number infected is 1%. Iceland is currently reporting two deaths in 737 patients, CFR. 0.27%; if 1% of the population (364,000) is infected then the corresponding IFR would be 0.05%. However, they have limited infections in the elderly as their test and quarantine measures have seemingly shielded this group, and the deaths will lag by about two weeks after the infections. Iceland’s higher rates of testing, the smaller population. and their ability to ascertain all those with Sars-CoV-2 means they will likely provide an accurate estimate of the CFR and the IFR. Current data from Iceland suggests the IFR is somewhere between 0.05% and 0.14%.
What matters is now is how many people get infected in a short space of time – to what extent this overwhelms healthcare services and whether they can manage – the impact of measures to reduce spread are crucial in the upward phase of a pandemic that can affect a significant number of people at any one time.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2014
retired English teacher (30 years)
Do tell where you are planning on bugging out to and how you think you will be able to get there?

I will. Thus far, I have the URL for SDQ and its site has many real time departures to cities in the U.S. Some flights are cancelled, others delayed, others on time. Prepare to bed down in the airport for 24-48 hours "just in case." More to come as I want to provide more detail.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Please define IFR and CFR and I will re-read.
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations; in aviation these are also referred to as "FARs", or Federal Aviation Regulations

IFR: Instrument Flight Rules



Well-known member
Aug 1, 2016
I will. Thus far, I have the URL for SDQ and its site has many real time departures to cities in the U.S. Some flights are cancelled, others delayed, others on time. Prepare to bed down in the airport for 24-48 hours "just in case." More to come as I want to provide more detail.

Like your plan but the whole idea of airports and airplanes would stop me from implementing it.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
I have been thinking about this.
''The sky is not falling; that is speculation at best....relatively true at worse.
This is no time to retreat....... no time to bug out!
This is a time to pull together and become more positive about our future; no matter how bleak it may seem.
That strategy has always worked for me.
Look at movies like ''ZULU'', for the brave front. ''Waterworld'' for the worse case scenario and "Swiss Family Robinson" for the survivalist theme.
What I am saying is get your mind off the catastrophic possibilities and focus upon alternatives. If we are to stay here then let us make the best of it .
And how many times has it been said ''help your neighbor''... that is the key.

I don't think Hollywood will pass this real life drama up once everything settles down. I won't watch it because I will have lived it or died from it.
Whatever is the case we are here and being negative and dreaming up doom and gloom scenarios do not help matters.
When this is all over and if and when the time is appropriate I shall retreat to our farm further into el Campo and establish a subsistence farm capable of feeding the large extended family we have here...... at 77 I am very positive and planning for the future.
Not sticking my head in the sand either!
Not when things get bad where will I retreat to? But, when all this is over, what will I do to contribute to a new and improved micro economy.

Anyway I have determined that my box will be buried here in the DR where I chose to live.
Have a nice day.



Active member
Jul 23, 2011

I was enjoying this thread about what would make someone reconsider their decision to stay until page 6 when it got off track. It doesn't appear to be returning to the topic. Why not close it now?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Thread will remain open until the last ferry/evacuation flight has left DR. At that point, no one can leave unless they’re on an ocean-going vessel. Clock is ticking.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
WRONG. Covid-19 is is 20-30 times more contagious than any flu.

It is also a lung eater. Flu is not a lung eater.

I believe in the end, Covid will kill more.

The US numbers are now triple digit deaths per day. They will soon be HIGH triple digit numbers.

To say there will be 2000 total deaths is utterly asinine.

Let me get this straight. You are whining that Chico is hoping that only 2000 will die in the US while at the same time you are making up horror stories that this virus is a "lung eater".
Where on earth did you get this garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such vile nonsense.
Google some facts and not this crap that you seem beholden to.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
I decided, because I have nothing else to do, that if my Government said that my Dominican Family could return to Canada with me on a Temporary Residence Visa... that I would take them up on it.
That happened last night.
But we are six weeks away from end of processing and who knows when a flight to the snowy north will actually happen.
I find this to be a great diversion for me and family.
I still have a couple pairs of wool socks left...LOL



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
I decided, because I have nothing else to do, that if my Government said that my Dominican Family could return to Canada with me on a Temporary Residence Visa... that I would take them up on it.
That happened last night.
But we are six weeks away from end of processing and who knows when a flight to the snowy north will actually happen.
I find this to be a great diversion for me and family.
I still have a couple pairs of wool socks left...LOL


I just found out that the VISA is for no more than 6 months..... not going to happen. I thought we could use the opportunity to file for a Permanent Residency.... "Yes my darling daughter , you may go in swimming. but don't go near the water''
This hole is getting deeper, I had better stop digging. TKS WR


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
aren't the two processes different Russell?

Visitor Visa vs Residency

I already started the Immigration documents 19 months ago and the Gov. totally screwed them up... It was complete disaster... seriously ! During the process we had to resubmit five times due to document changes to more streamline the system....Then when we had one final detail to do with a 30 day window to do it,,,, Gov. could not provide requisition for Medical for infant. $9,000.oo legal fees to that point.
It was so bad that I had to come here to be with family. Then more crap I wish to keep private.

Some people have extended their V-1 visitor visas to apply for residence ,,,, not really legal... but they are still there...others had been deported.... all up to whoever gets out on the wrong side of the bed.
My previous Company assisted Technical Immigrants under the AIPP prigram and all went well with Provincial Sponsorship...until the Feds got involved... then it went to shyte in a handbag.

They also want me to take my entire family to Santo Domingo to the Visa Centre to get their Bio-metrics done. That's a new requirement...WW I could go on for hours about the inept ability of Immigration Canada to handle simple applications.

Did I loose you here?

"They are all the same except the differences"


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
This 5pm sh*t aint necessary.
I need another cold beer and its...
T minus 11 hours 4 minutes counting.
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