Friend who wants to stay in the DR


New member
Jun 8, 2021
New Jersey
Is it normal for someone who lives in the Dark to show interest in being friends with an American and not want to leave the DR or get a visa?


Dec 5, 2013
It depends. They might be playing the long game.

Not all Dominicans want to leave, but those who want to stay are usually upper middle to upper class who live very well there.

I partially agree... I have come to know quite a few hard-working (even young) people in my wife's family, who are not necessarily middle class but still, express no desire whatsoever to move from where they are.... They might be friendly with everyone, but they're happy where they are...

That being said, my wife does not come from a middle class family, and had to work to be able to study in the university (only one from her family to go to university), but not once since we've known (going 12 years now...) has she expressed any desire to live in another country... We have, indeed lived in Europe, and she likes it there a lot, but that has always been my idea... As she has kindly put it, I'm much less annoyed how everything works there, so it's partially a piece of mind for her too..


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
Is it normal for someone who lives in the Dark to show interest in being friends with an American and not want to leave the DR or get a visa?
Its difficult to give you a honest reply without more details. You say lives in the dark? I understand this as lives illegal in the USA if this is right then your question " not want to leave the DR or get a visa" is confusion.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Its difficult to give you a honest reply without more details. You say lives in the dark? I understand this as lives illegal in the USA if this is right then your question " not want to leave the DR or get a visa" is confusion.
I think the “dark” was an autocorrect for “DR”.
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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
I think the “dark” was an autocorrect for “DR”.
Ok maybe let's see what the poster replies because if I am not mistaken I think I saw another post about being living in USA and has a relation with a Dominican living in the USA with expired Visa. Note I may be confused with another poster!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Is it normal for someone who lives in the Dark to show interest in being friends with an American and not want to leave the DR or get a visa?
A few years ago a poll was done among young people (I think they were under 25 years old) and I think the result was something like 60% had the desire to leave the country. 40% isn't a small piece of the pie though. That is only among the young which comprises probably 2 to 3 million people, maybe more. 40% of 3 million is around 1.2 million. That's a lot of young people for a small country. Now, assuming you're referring to someone under 25, that would be 1 out of 1.2 million that think like him. Food for thought.

If I remember correctly, the poll didn't include older people or the elderly. As years progress, people that when young wanted to leave and for various reason didn't, become less incline to move to another country as they would feel as a fish out of water.
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
If you need to see young Dominicans saying they have no desire to live outside the DR, the woman says it here that living in another country is not an option for her. According to her, she loves the DR too much to leave it. Now, keep in mind that these aren't from well-to-do backgrounds. The woman is in her early 20's and from SD, but her entire family is from the Cibao. She has said in other videos that she isn't from a well-to-do family. The two guys have said in other videos that they grew up in poor barrios of SD, but they are originally from Baní and from humble backgrounds. All three have been to the USA and the girl lived in London for a time and went back to the DR. The guy on the right lived in Puerto Rico and the USA for a time and decided to move back to SD. The guy on the left, which is the oldest, have been to the USA (mentions Queens alot) but also claims no desire to live outside the DR.

Around 5:15 she mentions no desire to live in USA.
Around 5:28 she mentions living the USA is not in her plans.
Around 12:05 she mentions that many people would ask her why she went back to the DR.

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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Here it is where she says thqt she loves the DR. I thought it was in the previous video.



Jun 16, 2014
I think for the most part, only upper middle class or upper class could adapt to life in the US. Many middle class and lower class may think they want to go to the US, but unless they go to the Queens or the Bronx, which are a lot like barrios - only bigger, they will never adapt. As with anything, there's always exceptions.
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
It depends. They might be playing the long game.

Not all Dominicans want to leave, but those who want to stay are usually upper middle to upper class who live very well there.
Bingo. She wants to send money to her "friend" and now wants him to leave the DR (I'm guessing to be with her)

All we're missing is where she met her "friend."