Hotels & Resorts Limiting Dominicans Reservations

Luz del mundo

Apr 4, 2022
Dominican Republic
Ok !! Ive served my time standing in the corner with a pointed tinfoil dunce cap on and wrote a hundred times on the bathroom wall chalk board that " I will not smear dirty pampers in the face of my class mates again " and the honorable La Profa has judged me repentant and fit for service again so Im coming back to recess before the lunch bell rings lol.

I needed a good funny bone recharge and this article would not be so funny had it not been true .
Geez ya cant make this stuff up lol. I wonder what historical precedent has been set for hotel owners to arrive at these conclusions lol ?
" Head first high diving Dominicans " :ROFLMAO:

Joseph NY2STI

Well-known member
Mar 22, 2020
Several years ago I booked a trip months in advance w/o checking the calendar. It turned out to be "Holy Week". What a mess. I spent most of my time hiding in the cathedral lest I be turned into a pillar of salt. I read that the sale of alcohol is prohibited on Good Friday. Any word on the sale of prostitutes? Praise the Lord.


Jan 8, 2002
When it comes to social niceties many Dominicans are lacking. Basically, Dominican society and its culture has not influenced enough people to behave well enough to make these quotas disappear or be thought of.



Luz del mundo

Apr 4, 2022
Dominican Republic
When it comes to social niceties many Dominicans are lacking. Basically, Dominican society and its culture has not influenced enough people to behave well enough to make these quotas disappear or be thought of.


You make a good point !
Im glad this hole has been dug because its worth diving into ( head first ) to see if theres any extractable oil .

In all fairness , even if this is a good measure ( and in part I believe it is ) , its more of a new problem for a new solution and that is because I dont blame the raw campacino barrio dwelling part of the population that DOES NOT represent its people as a whole so much as I do the authorites and business owners for turning a blind eye and sweeping a chronic cultural dilema under the carpet.

If laws and rules are made to be broken , one can hardly expect compliant, respectful and civilized behavior from an socially uneducated Dominican if those laws and rules are never written to begin with let alone enforced. Its human nature to take a mile when given an inch but in the case of the Dominicans , if you give them a mile they will run a cross country marathon . That said , its not reasonable to expect do not disturb nor please dont pee in the pool signs to be adhered to when most wont and cant even read them. .

This applies not only to the rowdy Sanchez family of 30 from La Vega staying at a 3 star hotel on Semana Santa but more so the prossession of Popi chulo colored jeepetas lining a street at 4 a.m with deafaning decibals of reggaton waking the baby as well as the dumbed down gen z cyber moto punks with pants down to ankles popping cheap pills and wheelies in a residencial school zone at 90 kilos per hour. Start actually enforcing these laws and making examples of the degenerates who scoff at them and see if moral does not improve..

Last point ! Unfortunatley many of the hotels that are owned by foriegners are too afraid too step on a Dominicans toes and not only loose potential income but to wake up and find thier rooms looking like Motley Crue and Ozzy Osbourne spent the weekend, and they dare not argue against a cultural logic that believes that if it pays its right to passage they have the right to do whatever they want with no regard to how it may affect someones stay .
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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
I have to say I'd take a group of drunk Dominicans any day over a group of drunk Americans or Russians. I'm always amazed when you go to a Dominican nightclub how everyone is so well behaved compared to other parts of the world. Dominicans are such terrible snobs about other Dominicans and often have this quaint idea that all foreigners are somehow more upmarket than they are.

I do get the "comelones" part, I can't believe how much food some people put away and can imagine that a group of Dominicans would probably get through a lot more food than other nationalities.
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Luz del mundo

Apr 4, 2022
Dominican Republic
I have to say I'd take a group of drunk Dominicans any day over a group of drunk Americans or Russians. I'm always amazed when you go to a Dominican nightclub how everyone is so well behaved compared to other parts of the world. Dominicans are such terrible snobs about other Dominicans and often have this quaint idea that all foreigners are somehow more upmarket than they are.

I do get the "comelones" part, I can't believe how much food some people put away and can imagine that a group of Dominicans would probably get through a lot more food than other nationalities.
Maria Im glad you bring this up and if I may do a bit of compare and contrast , I would like to refer to my first year in this country but specifically my first semana santa which I had no idea what it even was in those naive days except spanish easter.
I was living in a little apt hotel in the unseedy side of Sosua and one Saturday mid afternoon I came home to discover swarms of Dominicans in the pool and courtyard drinking like hill billies and about 5 of them sitting on the patio of my apt .
As I proceeded to enter my place not one of them even acknowledged me nor moved out of door way but continued on as if it was thier own place. A bit stunned by the blazen lack of social graces I decided to shut up and go back out rather than fight or complain about such uneducated ignorance but this was my first impression of Dominicans and the barometer I was using to form my opinion of. them.
Thankfully , my second year on semana santa threw me for a reverse double take.
I was staying at a different hotel but just the same a rather large group of young er Dominicans showed up but they were all driving fancy cars with nice clothes , well educated and clearly a much different class altogether..
After we talked and drank for an hour , they invited me out with them to go to Caberete and although suspicious I took the chance but lo and behold , not only did they supply all the food and drinks for the road festivities they bought me drinks through out the evening and wouldnt let me leave even a tip.
No conditions , no strings attached and my opinions and preconcieved ideas about these people were shattered...
Its no different with the gringos here.
Frankly , many are a complete embarrassment and act far worst than the worst Dominicans so you are spot on and I am an equal opportunity employer when it comes to generalization and not casting one group into a certain mold.

Sorry for the wind sprints.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Atta Boy Luz

Yes, I think you'll find Dominicans are generally helpful.
Many have helped one way or another

Like anywhere else - there are differences (classes, if you will) - pick & choose !
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Jan 9, 2004
It is an issue for many of the resorts, not just on the north coast (lower price points) but also in PC. One GM in PC that I know, privately indicated he would prefer they go elsewhere and that the only "legal" way to discourage them was having a higher price point................

Tripadvisor is rife with stories from shocked tourists who happen to book their week or two that also landed on one of the holiday weekends. One described the weekend experience from Saturday noon till Sunday late afternoon as like a "plague of locusts" descending and eating and drinking everything in sight.

My wife (dominican) and I happen to have witnessed one weekend like that.............and it is quite a sight to behold...........

I now only occasionally that I go to an AI...............and only to those that I know do not encourage the weekend trade .................

It is both funny and sad to watch their behavior...........but it certainly was entertaining......much more so than many of the nightly "shows."

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Luz del mundo

Apr 4, 2022
Dominican Republic
Atta Boy Luz

Yes, I think you'll find Dominicans are generally helpful.
Many have helped one way or another

Like anywhere else - there are differences (classes, if you will) - pick & choose !
Yes Professor I learned this in my first semester 15 years ago although I did have to repeat a few grades lol.

All joking aside, I have gone through some horrendous times here and at the days end when the S.O.S smoke signals were being sent over seas it was not my good ol American family and friends that helped me carry my cross but surprisingly it was the average Dominican folks and not only was I humbled by this experience but a truly new great respect for these people was born. .
You dont know who your friends are until the clouds roll in and to quote a great proverb ,

" Dont go to your brother in times of calamity .." " A nieghbor near by is better than a brother far off ".

More so if they are Dominicans.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
In the low/off season the locals are what bring in the cash for many of the resorts (Punta Cana) is what I have heard from various hotel managers/general managers. Saying that, we have experienced weekend stays at AI's where it was quite full of locals. It just depends on the resort. Some resorts control it better than others.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
This season my wife and I did 4 AI hotels for a break from normal life. We have only a few guidelines.
#1 Check the dates. Never go on a weekend.
#2 Check DR holidays. Never ever go on a DR holiday.
#3 Check if its a long weekend running into your stay. Never, never, ever go on a DR long weekend.

After 15 years of doing this, Dominicans are up there with Russians and French Canadians as the most obnoxious tourist on earth. You can not please them and for gods sake never get between them and a bar or hot meal. It will just disappoint you.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Well the article says it all :. accessible prices....

If you fly coach, one can expect nowadays to have wailing kids, smelly fat guys that the seats cannot contain, etc, etc .... splurge and for a buisness ticket.

Same applies to holidays. The DR is famous for cheap-ish all included holidays. In the end, you get what you pay for.

It applies to dominicans, as the article points out, but it also applies to tourists who come here, they are hardly the classy-ist their home country has to offer


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
This season my wife and I did 4 AI hotels for a break from normal life. We have only a few guidelines.
#1 Check the dates. Never go on a weekend.
#2 Check DR holidays. Never ever go on a DR holiday.
#3 Check if its a long weekend running into your stay. Never, never, ever go on a DR long weekend.

After 15 years of doing this, Dominicans are up there with Russians and French Canadians as the most obnoxious tourist on earth. You can not please them and for gods sake never get between them and a bar or hot meal. It will just disappoint you.

Totally agree. Check in Monday and out the door Friday or Saturday at latest. Avoid US and DR holidays. I loves me some retirement!


Apr 11, 2004
Totally agree. Check in Monday and out the door Friday or Saturday at latest. Avoid US and DR holidays. I loves me some retirement!
Agree, except I would recommend getting out on Thursday. Friday the locals are there early to check in and start drinking. Even if the rooms are not ready they get a wrist band to start partying. And they have no respect for lines at the counter where you need to check out.............

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
If you head to Sosua Beach on this Easter weekend you will see the lowest form of Dominican behavior. From loud music to shouting & trash thrown about, to excess drinking to falling down status. How many Dominicans island-wide will drown is the questioned yet to be answered. Semana Santa is a poor holiday to be out. Why the resurrection of Christ is a reason for debauchery is a mystery.

When you are poor and of poor education it seems being loud and drunk on the cheapest of booze and maybe drugs too is the way to "show-off".

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
If you head to Sosua Beach on this Easter weekend you will see the lowest form of Dominican behavior. From loud music to shouting & trash thrown about, to excess drinking to falling down status. How many Dominicans island-wide will drown is the questioned yet to be answered. Semana Santa is a poor holiday to be out. Why the resurrection of Christ is a reason for debauchery is a mystery.

When you are poor and of poor education it seems being loud and drunk on the cheapest of booze and maybe drugs too is the way to "show-off".
Kind of like spring break in Fla or Cancun, don't expect to find any pillars of society there either