Hundreds of inmates flee after armed gangs storm Haiti’s main prison, leaving bodies behind


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Regardless of which language these folks speak, it's time for Dominicans to get aerious about securing their border otherwise at some point in the future these same criminals will be committing crimes over here.

Why is it immigration only works during the day. It's pointless. What they often end up doing is rounding up a bunch of young men on their way to and from work.

If they really want to make a difference when it comes to this country's security they should be out in force from 7pm - 7am as this is when the Haitiann trouble makers, criminals, pimps and drug dealers are most active in the colmados, bars, discos, street corners and entertainment disctricts.
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Jun 10, 2008
Most Haitians that immigrated to Quebec were the upper class and upper middle class that learned French in private schools in Haiti, so yes most of them do speak French. Most of the citizens of Montral also speak proper French. It is the upcountry Quebecois that speak dialects. My father grew up speaking French at home in New Brunswick, Acadian French, which is like they speak in Louisiana.
I know a Haitian like that who did an MBA in Montreal and is now a banker in Europe. His parents were wealthy in Haiti. But does that happen much anymore. And it won’t be this crowd lol


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Regardless of which language these folks speak, it's time for Dominicans to get aerious about securing their border otherwise at some point in the future these same criminals will be committing crimes over here.

Why is it immigration only works during the day. It's pointless. What they often end up doing is rounding up a bunch of young men on their way to and from work.

If they really want to make a difference when it comes to this country's security they should be out in force from 7pm - 7am as this is when the Haitiann trouble makers, criminals, pimps and drug dealers are most active in the colmados, bars, discos, street corners and entertainment disctricts.
They need to give the police and border patrol more money. Zero tolerance for corruption. In other parts of the world, the cops make so much money, they don’t want to lose the nice position, so they do not care who they arrest, even the local mayor who or chief of police. If the local judge or magistrate finds them not guilty, it is not on them.
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Jun 10, 2008
They need to give the police and border patrol more money. Zero tolerance for corruption. In other parts of the world, the cops make so much money, they don’t want to lose the nice position, so they do not care who they arrest, even the local mayor who or chief of police. If the local judge or magistrate finds them not guilty, it is not on them.
It really is strange. That haitians can bribe themselves through the border.


Active member
Jan 16, 2002
Ariel was in Kenya to specifically sign the Kenya-Haiti Intervention agreement required by the Kenyan judiciary before Kenyan troops can set boots on Haitian soil. The legal agreement was signed last Friday. Another hurdle overcome. Money is still the big issue. The US upped the financial ante, Canada kicked in another $80 million but it’s still far short of the Kenyan $550 million asking price. The UN has to come up with the remaining funds.

Some airlines have stopped flying into Port Au Prince. One flight was hit by a bullet during a skirmish near the airport. Other flights diverted or refused to land because of the skirmishes. The prison invasion and resulting escape of hundreds of jailed gang members is just another step in Haiti’s continued downward spiral. BBQ got International media attention last week. Exactly what he was looking for to further his political cause by violent means. I think one can assume if he is elected President, it would be a carbon copy of the Poppa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier regimes. Some would say that’s exactly what Haiti needs. A violent President to keep the people under heel.

Even Dante would have a hard time conceiving what kind of hell Haiti has become. It’s no surprise only Kenyan mercenaries are interested in putting their lives on the line for what has become a lost cause. The US and Canada are aware of the futility. That’s why they are willing to throw cash at it and not boots on the ground. Haiti continues to be a sideshow of a bigger sideshow, the Ukraine invasion and will be treated accordingly by the UN.

If, and it’s a big if, large scale violence washes over the DR border, the DR government might need help from other countries. Coalition forces may be needed to beef up DR military operations along the border and the DR coastline. Two of the most vulnerable areas.
I'm in agreement. Haiti is a sideshow compared to Ukraine war and worries of Russian expansionism. Pres. Biden is well aware that if he were to send the Marines into Haiti the vicious gangs would disappear like choir boys into the slums. Once the Marines would leave, the gangs would resurface like hibernating locusts to wreak havoc again.


Active member
Jan 16, 2002
Who thinks more than another half billion dollars on Haiti will accomplish anything just to send Kenyan mercenaries
who will mostly end up dead?

More troops to the DR border is an excellent idea.

Interesting idea that people just released from prison have money to bribe DR border guards.

Better to send support with money and troops to the DR. Haiti never had hope.
There's common consensus that there are over 200 gangs operating in Haiti. Purportedly at least 95 gangs in Port-au-Prince. The largest "400 Mawozo" has over a thousand gang members based in the capital. A 1,000 Kenyan mercenaries would be overwhelmed at a minimum of 25:1 The mercenaries would find themselves ineffective. It's going to require 5,000 - 10,000 heavily armed police to even have a chance against tens of thousands of gang members.
I'm in agreement with Abinader that if Haitian gangs try to overrun the border they should be met with a horrific response.
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