In Need of a Valued Partner: Anyone interested in AirBnb opportunities in Punta Cana? Property AVAILABLE for Airbnb Rental Arbitrage in Punta Cana, DR

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Based on your posted credentials, I am very surprised you would be looking for a partner. In your social circle I am sure there are many worthwhile candidates for this venture. The post you made is pretty much a duplicate found on other sites, is there anything you can add to it? Was there no response on the other sites?
Right? Just looking at your website I'd think you'd have a waiting list of folks to sign a long term lease.
Based on your posted credentials, I am very surprised you would be looking for a partner. In your social circle I am sure there are many worthwhile candidates for this venture. The post you made is pretty much a duplicate found on other sites, is there anything you can add to it? Was there no response on the other sites?
Thank you so much for your kind words and for following up. Indeed, I got a decent amount of responses but I was busy back then and now I have the time to take care of this. Again, as a I said in a previous answer, I just realized that if I want to do business in the DR, I should start by the Dominican Republic, precisely. Notice that my account here is brand-new, I just discovered this wonderful community. The reason I have multiple posts out there is because as a syndicated columnist I post once and gets published in multiple sites at the same time (and date), same author, same everything. Before, I just was talking to the wrong audience and now I found the people I should be talking to.

Again, thank you for following up.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
This "offer" has been posted on several other sites. The contact person on some is a Jose Jesus Suarez Viloria. On other sites it is Geovanny Vicente & Team. The Drake Village if I am not mistaken is a newer project in the Punta Cana area. There are several realtors that have adds for properties there. DR1 members have posed some very good questions about the OP's offer. I am personally very well aware of who Geovanny Vicente Romero is, so I do find this thread a bit strange/questionable. Best of luck to the OP on this venture.
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Geovanny, I don't understand why you didn't make a video with this offer. (BTW, Whoever made the video in your first post did a miserable job.)

And why do you keep referring to yourself as "we?"

I think you're probably going to go end up with the "just rent it" option. What would the rent be
It's not personal, don't take on me please. Thank you for all the great questions and for your interest in knowing more about this property! Please feel free to DM me through any of my social accounts shared in my post. I will be happy to answer all your questions. Again, thank you.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2009
Most owners, if not everyone in the Dominican Republic, don't allow this business model with their properties and you know it very well. In DR, you either own a home and put it on Airbnb or you simply don't. In our culture, owners usually go for regular (traditional) rent, in other words, they buy to rent, that's it. Be mindful that I am talking about three different scenarios I am open to and regular rent is just one of them. Thank you so much for your comment.
True but not so much in Punta Cana. With a few more security deposits you almost get any place with airbnb permission.
This "offer" has been posted on several other sites. The contact person on some is a Jose Jesus Suarez Viloria. On other sites it is Geovanny Vicente & Team. The Drake Village if I am not mistaken is a newer project in the Punta Cana area. There are several realtors that have adds for properties there. DR1 members have posed some very good questions about the OP's offer. I am personally very well aware of who Geovanny Vicente Romero is, so I do find this thread a bit strange. Best of luck to the OP on this venture.
Any DR1 member can feel free to reach out to Jose Suarez Viloria or myself. Jose is my real estate agent at TuCasaRD but I also do my outreach. If interested, you can reach out to any of us and it will be the same. Regarding the multiple posts, I answered that in a previous comment. Indeed, I agree with you, I think that people have been asking great questions, some of them require a lengthy and technical answer and I encouraged them to directly DM me though one of the social media accounts I shared in my post. My DR1 has just been created earlier today and I think I am doing a decent job answering these wonderful questions with time, respect and patience. Folks please don't blame me for not keeping up with the speed of incoming comments on my first day commenting in this community.

Glenn Burke

Sep 12, 2023
Santo Domingo
As I see it:

1. Somebody was really stupid to buy a villa in that location. Who needs to rent it near the mall there? Everybody wants to rent right on the beach or few steps from the beach.
2. After realizing that he can't sell it, can't rent it and he doesn't have money to buy any furniture, linens, or amenities, he is looking for another idiot who will buy this 'Airbnb partnership' BS.
3. My conclusion: rent it to people who will make a brothel out of it, that's the only purpose that location is good for.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Each day has enough trouble of its own, Matthew would say. If the worst happens, we'll be flexible and adjust to the new scenario because the law is the law, even if has just come into effect. I am always crystal clear, we'll manage and figure it out without breaking the law.

The law is quite clear, ITBIS is payable on vacation rentals. It has always been that way. All that is happening is that vacation rentals are going to be forced to register with MITUR and as part of this, they will need to show that they are registered with DGII for payment of taxes. In this way, vacation rentals will be forced to pay their taxes. But the taxes have always been payable.
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Self-imposed banned🫢
Oct 9, 2014
The law is quite clear, ITBIS is payable on vacation rentals. It has always been that way. All that is happening is that vacation rentals are going to be forced to register with MITUR and as part of this, they will need to show that they are registered with DGII for payment of taxes. In this way, vacation rentals will be forced to pay their taxes. But the taxes have always been payable.

There it is ! 👆
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Self-imposed banned🫢
Oct 9, 2014
As I see it:

1. Somebody was really stupid to buy a villa in that location. Who needs to rent it near the mall there? Everybody wants to rent right on the beach or few steps from the beach.
2. After realizing that he can't sell it, can't rent it and he doesn't have money to buy any furniture, linens, or amenities, he is looking for another idiot who will buy this 'Airbnb partnership' BS.
3. My conclusion: rent it to people who will make a brothel out of it, that's the only purpose that location is good for.

Real talk 👆!

Coincidentally , we were around that area a few days back and there are a couple of things you can't miss:

1. The houses there, like most things in the DR, present well from the exterior but once you step in, it's a whole different story. They're not as spacious as the photos would have you believe.You notice the relatively tiny rooms and a bad interior setup , IMO.

2. We saw some owners who are trying to do the same thing that the OP is trying to do and they are encountering significant challenges.Even if the OP's rental idea takes off, you can bet other owners will jump on the bandwagon.....potentially leading to a situation reminiscent of the property market in Tenerife during the early 2000s. Long story.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
Each day has enough trouble of its own, Matthew would say. If the worst happens, we'll be flexible and adjust to the new scenario because the law is the law, even if has just come into effect. I am always crystal clear, we'll manage and figure it out without breaking the law.

Permit me to be crystal clear with my opinion.

You haven't been able to market this property successfully, dr1 is just another hopeful channel.

There is a glut of vacant P.C. real estate on the market, unsold and not rented.
The market is saturated.
Your location is undesirable for people vacationing.
People want to be on the beach.
The "offer" is convoluted with the non owner "partner" having great expenditures to furnish and to do all the associated work,
Without any guarantees of income, running on hope.

My crystal clear conclusion is that you will not find anyone under the arbitrage format.

Good luck to you, you will have to rent or sell.

Another caveat to prospective P.C. real estate purchasers.
Understand the location and what you are buying.
A great downside is owners trying to rent and use airB&B to cover some their costs.
You will be living in a transient community with ever changing short term neighbours/vacationers.

If at all beach front and private beach access.


May 29, 2013
Something clearly went wrong with whatever the plan was for this property. No one markets a desirable high end property this way. Pathetic location. Many new low end projects in this area. Not near the beach. Etc, etc. Much truth in #38 above.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
This is total bull poopoo. Downtown Mall is a 8 to 10 minute drive to Bibiagua on a good day.
This guy is a scam artist. The properties around DT mall are crap.
I don't understand why the mods let this go on for over 30 posts