Let's Hear from a Sankie!


Jan 9, 2005
My two cents? I think there is an unfortunate convergence going on-tourists who come from cold climates(in terms of temperature and social life) and they WANT to make friends and feel happy when they are approached.

Some of these scammers see this and take advantage, then pat themselves on the back for being such master manipulators.

This is very true. Take life in NA and walking down the street or getting a coffee and if you say hello a bit too 'friendly' you get a look.

I also know this is true by personal experience. Thinking some of the Dominicanos were really nice and good to talk to since I was learning Spanish but after returning a few times when I see who I really was talking to - wow how embarrassing.

At first it feels great to have a new friend but that feeling wears off pretty quick when the second question they ask you is either for a beer, cigarette, money, or whatever. This is a chopo no?


Jun 3, 2006
My two cents? I think there is an unfortunate convergence going on-tourists who come from cold climates(in terms of temperature and social life) and they WANT to make friends and feel happy when they are approached.

Some of these scammers see this and take advantage, then pat themselves on the back for being such master manipulators.

See, they were not talking about tourists, they were actually talking about Dominicans and in general. How they can rule them by controlling them. Is this the way goverment and other things work in the DR? People being "controlled", "manipulated" and lied to by some stupid folks? I would hate living in such environment. That would not make me happy that is for sure.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
I was recently told of a story about a Dominican man who treated his English fiance like crap. And i mean really badly whilst she stayed with him in his country.
He would take money from her and make all kinds of demands from her and she accepted it.
The girl still married him and in time brought him to the UK.
Now he is miserable. She makes sure he works every day, and when he gets paid she takes the money from him and gives him only the money she thinks he needs on a day to day basis.
She won't let him meet with his 'Dominican/sanki' friends who also managed to move here with their wives.
This man drinks daily and every night on his own just to get through the days.

He thought the grass was greener here. Now he regrets it.

Just amazed me how things changed once he got here. The boot is on the other foot now.
