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  1. W

    Too Many Cars - what will the government do?

    Because there are too many cars there are too many accidents? One cannot argue with logic like that, but I see it as too many stupid people being allowed to drive. So what will the government do...
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    Rains cause a "taxing" situation?

    Coming back from Puerto Plata yesterday, I was driving in rain as hard as I have seen since living here. There was no wind at all, but the rain was pounding down at various spots between Puerto Plata and Cabarete. It seems the rains are causing some issues with taxes. Ones I don't quite...
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    CORAAPPLATA road destruction of main highway underway

    To add to the destroyed road going up to Hispaniola Estates, CORAAPLATA has now excavated in front of Playero and a couple of spots on the highway up from Sosua Beach. One section while heading east from Caribe Tours forces you into on-coming traffic or you hit the sign they put up. What morons.
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    Waiting for Kenyans to arrive?

    Without the requisite 500 million USD, the US team will be waiting forever and ever. And that is a long time.
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    A Dominican posted this perspective on FB

    =AZUxadMAUOXDW-KSGV25zMGLoVwte3cWfwHcdjCCOQg_pj_nqImQrCTrwOcuVEvGIfn_2t94anylb_YP1sWuDhs1V7xtWrJ9rjHi_A90CxA0rOkBSzIeXe3S1YiU8BHmNfwAebNnUvdLuBymQsQuObrl89F4ojH2oM2BwMLjkriMIt9ZsBvi-UQinH3pstnF0gKGzazmnznQHiHk-WUlYsHB&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R']Delanie Pacino Top contributor ·...
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    Exit Fees still being paid in cash

    I have been seeing reports from people exiting various DR airports that people are still be allowed to pay exit fines for illegally overstaying a tourist card in cash. I wonder how long they will be able to use cash? Some say forever....
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    Retention of patients due to non-payment, an illegal but common practice in the country

    Retention of patients due to non-payment, an illegal but common practice in the country Some medical centers use this mechanism as a guarantee to pay off the patient's debts...
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    Apple M chip unpatchable security flaw

    This is not good for those with new Apple chips in their computers:
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    Airfare costs main barrier to DR Tourism
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    PRSC says others should take about half the Haitians into their countries

    That would be a start, but is as likely as the UN doing anything useful:
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    Stupid is as stupid does

    The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity The second essay, "The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity" ("Le leggi fondamentali della stupidità umana", 1976),[3][4][5] explores the controversial subject of stupidity. These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity: Always and inevitably, everyone...
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    George Carlin AI? I'm Glad I'm Dead

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    George Carlin - I'm Glad I'm Dead video hidden

    The controversy and lawsuits over a resurrection by AI (or not) of my favorite comedian of all time seems to have his posthumous comedy skit deleted from view. Anyone with a good link for it please post it...
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    New Mediterranean Restaurant in Cabarete

    La Kazba in the doomed location that is next to where the mini-golf was. I hope they can make it a go...
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    Port-Au-Prince residents sheltering in place as violence escalates PORT-AU-PRINCE, Jan...
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    JetBlue-Spirit Deal Foiled

    JetBlue/Spirit merger blocked. JetBlue-Spirit Deal Foiled A federal judge yesterday blocked JetBlue Airways from acquiring Spirit Airlines, ruling the $3.8B deal would have driven up fares for price-conscious travelers and hurt competition. Spirit's shares closed down 47% yesterday...
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    Covid -19 infections skyrocketed in DR. They ask not to lower our guard against covid in America, due to a new variant and an increase in cases Much of Latin America registers a rebound in covid-19 cases after the end of the year celebrations Covid -19 infections skyrocketed in the last week in the Dominican Republic with...
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    Looking to sell , here ya go...

  19. W

    Two Dead in Nagua